September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Simple Garlic Scape and Basil Pesto (vegan)

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As you may recall from our previous video about our neglected garden, I mentioned that our garlic scapes were past their prime, and likely far too woody to eat. Well, as a result of that statement, a number of you have suggested that all was not lost, and encouraged us to still try them in a pesto. So in this video, weโ€™ll show you how we make a simple pesto using fresh-picked basil and garlic scapes.

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The Ruth Stout Method of Permaculture

337 lbs of Potatoes! NO digging, NO watering, and VERY LITTLE work!

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Results and Lessons Learned from our Carrot, Onion, and Radish Experiment

Plant Hardiness Zone, Rainfall, and Other Important Information

Winter Ruth Stout Permaculture Update and HAY vs STRAW

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Simple Garlic Scape and Basil Pesto (vegan)

  1. Worked in Italian restaurant for a long time…..pesto is wonderful! If serving hot, don't overcook it! When it's hot, it's done! I used to add a spoonful to tomato sauces to liven it up. Spread on garlic bread with mozzarella cheese…fantastic!

  2. LOL! Since I was one of them, I'm glad you took advantage of viewer's suggestions on using the scapes for pesto. But besides garlic cloves and scapes, there's a 3rd. way to utilize garlic plants. I doubt you two will ever run low on garlic, but early in the season, before scapes show up in the garden, folks can use the leaf stalks of the plant to make pesto. This is called "green garlic".
    Impatiently waiting for scapes this spring, I decided to cut a few stalks from my garlic patch and use them for pesto. Whoa, was that ever good! Then I did an online search and found that loads of people had discovered green garlic ahead of me. Yeah, okay, I'm a slow learner. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I have discovered that pesto is a sauce of a larger category called "green sauces" that basically use a wide variety of green herbs depending on the cultural cuisine. My veggies didn't do great this year, but my herbs are going nuts. I'm going to try using my basil (of course) and also cilantro, chervil, parsley, tomatillos. Awesome video again. Love them all!

  4. yum! I'm actually preparing a dish w/ pesto tonight. Chicken breast, slathered w pesto, topped w/ a panko, parmesan and butter mixture and baked. one of our favorites and the pesto on the chicken is a must!

  5. Pesto has been something I've only been aware of it's existence in recent years & because of it's color, assumed it wouldn't taste good to me. Thought it would be spicy hot or bitter… But, now I know the ingredients and am willing to try some… Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I really don't care for pesto at all, but your videos are rarely just about what's in the title and I always come away feeling like I've learnt something

    I can't wait to see what you both get upto next! Keep up the incredible work!

  7. Very cool, I just discovered garlic scape pesto this summer, as the scapes came in. 1 cup chopped scapes, 1 cup walnuts, 1/2 cup pistachios, olive oil, black pepper, salt. The pistachios add a buttery flavor, and mellow out the walnuts. No basil needed, but I did add some basil on the second batch. Also, when I do make basil pesto, I also like to add lemon juice, to keep it a fresher green. Otherwise, basil tends to oxidise, and turn the pesto darker.

  8. Also, last summer my basil crop failed, so I looked up some alternate pestos and made a bunch of arugula pesto to freeze and enjoy over the winter. We really enjoyed it, but the kids definately like the basil pesto better.

  9. Well produced, quick.. Good recipe including some info about the basil. Trying more self sufficiency. Going to take some to freeze in ice cube tray, then vacuum pack em for winter consumption. Oh and another cool tip about using it for hor d'ouevres. LIKED

  10. This comparison is like well we cant build a house out of wood, but we can with concrete or concrete cinder blocks… Buttt we can build a house with sticks and stones fuck your recipe bro lmao

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