March 29, 2025

VIDEO: 20 Crops You Can Still Grow In August!

For those who dont know what to plant or didn’t know you could still plant anything, this video is all about the 20 plants you can still grow in August!

Buy your fall garden seeds at: Check out our new clothing line!

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 20 Crops You Can Still Grow In August!

  1. You're making me rethink growing a spring/summer garden at all. 😉 Everything you have listed as fall garden crops is what I have grown in the spring/summer garden (except tomatoes), and I have had no end of issues with temperature and pest load.

  2. I am in zone 7b or possibly zone 8 I have carrots growing right now that are doing really well and I can probably get away with anything that matures in 70-80 days from now if they like warm weather. Carrots can definitely grow and will possibly even be able to overwinter

  3. Daytime temps here are high 90s. I don't think little seedlings can endure that. And Friday will come before they can mature. I might be able to do chard if i could keep the seedlings from burning.

  4. Ok so I just placed my veggi and some flowers for my garden fall . I’m excited. Love your information. I live in Florida and I have a lot of bunnies here. Do you think that’s going to be a problem? Are they going to eat everything? I planted Marigolds and they ate some of them but than I put pepper flakes on them and they stopped eating them. But I’m going to give it a go. I have quite a nice yard. And I eat organic. So I hope these winter or fall veggies do well. I’m thinking I will harvest in November because I am in zone 9/10. What do you think? The soil is pretty sandy but I’ve been growing flowers and I add soils by like miracle grow and organic . Is there anything else you recommend. Also how to i kill the grass naturally? because there is some grass.

  5. Greetings from Prince Edward Island Canada. Your seeds are a top notch product. First time customer. The Luxury pumpkin is exploding. The Chocolate Cherry Sunflower was a big hit with the neighbours.

  6. I participated in this harden program in our area called "Reimagined Food Systems." It's a non-profit that provides raised beds, plants and advice from a "master gardner." It's a good program and concept and I don't mean to look a gift horse in the mouth but there were some problems. They come in like gang busters and it took some convincing to have them put the bed in the back yard as opposed to the front. I tried to tell them the front only got sun early in the day. They didn't seem to want to listen to my concerns. In the bed which is only about 6'x3' they crammed in peas, lettuces, spinach, broccoli, carrots, kale and beets in that small area . Needless to say it was a hot mess and the plants were overcrowded and didn't do well. The carrots were only about 2 inches long. The delicate plants like the lettuces were overwhelmed. I have 2 other beds and a long strip along my fence where I grow flowers and tomatoes and other vegetables. They came back mid summer to put in more plants in the bed. I finally talked them into putting them in my other beds. I had already moved the broccoli and kale out. They put bean seeds along my fence and not one of them sprouted. Last year I got tons of beans. I've been gardening for about 10 years and have picked up a few good tips along the way especially from you. I think I'm going to find a tactful way of discussing these issues because overall it's a nice concept. It's supposed to be to teach people how to grow food to supplement their diets with healthy food but instead of teaching they were doing what they felt was best. After watching this video U am motivated now to go out and plant some of these veggies. Thanks.

  7. it Aug 22/2021 and planting anything this season now would be crazy, We are sitting in mid 30 C. and has been for the last 3 weeks or so, And according to our zone we are looking at our first fall frost in about 3 more weeks? So how do you fix that? I tried planting beets and radish's in spring but it got way to hot way to early and although i got some leaves there was no beets or radish's. Just not a good year for cool weather plants.

  8. Ok. All the comments arguing about plant groups. Who cares at this point in the season what catagory the veggies fall under. Just get them planted and enjoy them this fall. Ya. Can look up all the information on google if you need to.
    Am looking forward to eatting my harvest later on.
    Please forgive if you feel insulted. Am truly thankful information. It is am more interested in people who share what type of soil they use to plant in. What type of gound cover you plan to use when it gets colder. Etc.
    God's love to you all.

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