March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Pt 3 WORST Garden Season on YouTube | Harvest

Pt 3 WORST Garden Season on YouTube | Harvest
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Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : .

How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. .

#gardening #notill #howtostartagarden

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Pt 3 WORST Garden Season on YouTube | Harvest

  1. Hi Mark, congrats on the squash! I did the same for fun and I have healthy squash plants that are blooming, the cucumbers too. My new go to stratagy is stager planting.. God bless.

  2. Thumbs up…I hate Vine borers. I usually get one or two squash and the plants dead. I just ordered some seed which is a Vining zucchini and this supposed to be resistant to vine borers. Plus as you said it's the end of the season so maybe I'll have some good squash.
    I was listening to your video as I was driving so I'll have to watch it later so I can see your recipe!

  3. Wrap that peach tree's trunk with some cheap, black electrical tape after you stake it up..She just might make it with little invested time and the cost of a roll or two of duct tape…use the cheap stuff. It will deteriorate faster and allow the healed trunk to expand. This has been my experience at least))) ps: you mad us all hungry with that squash dish))

  4. Great video Mark. Is your son still in the military? how is he doing? Fried zucchini always looks good ,it only needs bacon on it to make it better. Thanks for your time on making the videos.

  5. I have grown broad bean amongst alpine strawberry on wood chip it has been very successful. No weeds grew there but the alpine strawberry I also noticed they are not fruiting at present but produced a poor crop earlier. It is nice to enjoy the fruit of your land Mark Bon appetite thanks for the video.

  6. Thanks for the squash lesson Mark !…my first time commenting on your channel…my garden in Oklahoma is a great success due to your “raised bed stock panel post”. …keep up the great job !!

  7. Your squash looks awesome!!! 35 days is really really quick, that's even more impressive organically! I don't do much squash because my area is too wet for it, but its such a fun crop! I enjoyed growing it in the desert where there is no fall pickleworm/melonworm! Glad your season is going so well, very cool about intercropping purslane with squash and creating habitat for beneficials. Great video as always

  8. Got to try the buckwheat, looks good! I always try to keep planting squash it's great in Oct when all the greens are being harvested.

  9. Funnily enough starting some new squashes is just what I've been doing this week, since the slugs wiped out so many before they got going in this weird late season. If we have a late summer/mild autumn (London UK) I may get some produce from them. I keep trying out new habitat varieties but I'm mostly getting…..more slugs… I keep trying! We don't have vine borers in UK, thankfully!

  10. Oh no…… That peach tree… It looked so healthy. Wow 35 days on that squash. Plant often. I have found that works for me also. I’ve been much better at it this year. Your plant are just thriving.. I’ve had a few plants with vine bores lately. There the toughest to take care of. Buckwheat pancake mix. I need to try that. I like easy. LOL. Thanks Mark have a wonderful night..!!

  11. Great Video. This is my first year growing a garden and all your videos have been instrumental in the success I've had. A there a way I can send you pictures of what I've been able to do thanks to all your help?
    Thank you, Tracey in Dearborn Mi Zone 6

  12. Mark tried your zucchini egg buckwheat and salsa very good. Looking forward to your new cooking channel when it comes out. One other thing in A past video you were gonna talk about how you should broad fork only once. Did you do that and did I miss it.

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