September 28, 2024

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Sunday Night Live with Roots & Refuge!!!

  1. I'm a graying strawberry blonde and my hair bleaches to silver in the sun of summer. Everyone thinks I have an expensive hombre dye job by Thanksgiving! LOL I can't do much planting for fall here yet (north Texas between the D and the FW). Will be a few weeks before I can have temps that let me do that, so I'll be watching what y'all do with a sense of anticipation. Sorry I missed the livestream. Glad to see y'all doing so great. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I was helping my son get ready to move across the state today and missed your life. But watching this I have a suggestion for your T-shirts… When you release a new design also put the end of availability date or just let people know they will only be available for a specific time. Say three months and there is a spring, summer, winter and fall design run each year. Just a thought to make it easier for everyone.

  3. I lost my dad in dec. 89. He was only 53. So it's coming on 30 years. And there is not a day that I haven't thought of him and missed him. I'm going to be 60 in Sept. And it just seems weird that I'm older than I last saw my dad as. Some grief you never get over. My dad is mine.

  4. Everyone grieves differently. And each loss is different. And the processing time and ability to heal and achieve beautiful memories to replace hard, painful ones is a metamorphosis that God teaches us about this life not being are final place and theres an opportunity to understand that their spirit is left with us till we meet again, which helps us to understand even greater the spiritual life we have with God now and the time of reunion and more than life is now…its unfathomable and yet palpable when we get to the point where the memory out lives the pain.

  5. My hair does that too!!! I usually wear it in a bun in the summer because its hot in arizona. So… Top turns red/orange and tips too but the bun stays dark with streaks! Lok. I wont color my hair cause im vain about my "tinsel" silvers. Lol.

  6. I am really looking forward to your Fall Vlogs, what to plant and when. This will be good practice for when we move to a larger House and Garden x We Juice it is fantastic, the Green juices take a bit of getting used to x You guys into Starwars or Star Trek? Also Dr Who, we have met over the years some of the Actors. We loved meeting Andy Serkis who played Golem 2 of our now grown up kids have his Signatura and photograph. x

  7. Store-bought tomato disappointment t-shirt is hilarious. Paul from San Antonio, crushing the okra in South Texas Heat. Thank you for sharing your family's joyous spirit. Please tell your viewers about all the pesticides in non organic coffee. Its worth the extra couple bucks a pound Sam's Club brand tastes great (we love the Columbian) and is approx $6 a lb, cheaper than Stabucks beans. Seriously, coffee bean chemicals is worth an episode. Hit me up if you need research materials, I saved a lot.

  8. I never catch you and Maya on live – but I love watching the replays and other videos. You've inspired me to embrace my garden, flaws and all. Maya, sorry about your mom, I hope you enjoy your trip away.

  9. Greetings from Scotland. Just discovered your channel recently, and I'm really enjoying it. Loved the videos on water bath canning, and weck jars. Are you planning to do a video on pressure canning?

    Wishing you and yours a shower of blessings x

  10. I’m new at the YouTube world and have never left a comment so I hope you get this. I felt like it was worth my effort to figure out how to do this. My wife and I follow your channel without fail, she’s responsible for most of that,I just sit and enjoy it with her. We follow several of your friends also.
    What I wanted to specially do was thank you for bringing to our attention the book “ Keep your Love On” .
    We don’t watch TV , best thing we ever got rid of, and I read. I appreciate the book and agree that it should be a book for all to read.
    I hope to meet you two in person someday. We do our travel vacation time to attend the events like America Homesteaders conference in Virginia, maybe we can make Doug and Stacey’s gig next year or possibly Baker Creek seed . I’d be honored and encouraged to meet some of the younger people like yourself that inspire each other and myself.
    Thanks again, if you do read this , have a blessed life , keep it going forward

  11. I inherited my All-American pressure canner from my aunt and when I got it it came with a cookbook from 1940 inside The note stated She bought it in 1935 It still works perfectly.

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