It’s early August and the garden is in full blown production mode! Nature’s bounty is coming in full force! The straw bale garden is doing great and producing a ton of food for our family.
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nice video and nice garden tour
Absolutely beautiful garden and produce. I love to take squash that size and stuff it and grill it.
They are also wonderful for grinding and making fritters. I have a video on squash fritters..Love your garden and you are so happy with it. No place like in the garden hey!
Thank you
Beautiful garden Opie! I agree about the bumble bees. They really just want you to do you so they can get about their business.I had my face an inch or so from one yesterday while weeding the prairie grasses and no violence ensued. I hope your watermelons make it to the finish line!
Growing gang busters is correct buddy! Those carrots and peppers are kicking chicken! Garden is looking very good my friend! Our squash is toast now but yours is kicking! Heck everything is kicking over there! Keep up the awesome work and hope you have a great week!
Impressive work over there Oppe! Kudos on the peppers! Everything looks like it's growing amazing though.
We just need to buy a damn farm man. Wouldn't take much, we can go all NFT and make millions hehe.
I'm so jealous of your garden. It's so full. The squash are beautiful. That is a great harvest. I need a video on squash candy.
Wow! Looks great!
Oppe you call it twister I call it garden yoga. Your garden is looking really good.
Goodness, that garden is epic! Great job and great tour Oppe.
Wow your garden is gorgeous! Hopefully mine will look more like that next year as I continue to learn from you
We are going to pick our first patty pan tomorrow (5b Upstate NY), picked my first pole beans today.
I will have to check out squash candy. I love the butternut squashes. Everything is so good looking.
Beautiful squashes.
Looking great! We just pickled a batch of hot and banana peppers tonight. Our peppers are going gang-busters too!
I really need to get into growing more types of squash. I do that twister walk through my pumpkin and watermelon spill over too. In fact. I had some baby watermelon fruit out in the path and I think my dog knocked them off the plant when he decided to run through like a wild man last night. First summer with a dog, I will have to get a better system for next year. Your whole garden looks great. I love the look of those carrots. I’m trying to get a mix of colours this year, glad to hear they are tasty.
Qow everything is growing very well. I am so jealous how everything is growing for you. Thanks for sharing.