September 28, 2024

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Live with Roots & Refuge!!!

  1. I hope you don't take my comment the wrong way but this is the second time I have felt you are being overly judgemental. I have been inspired to start a garden in the spring and really love looking at your garden but the time you told people it was o.k. to eat meat as long as you raised it yourself, I took exception to it because most of us are not in that situation and many of us will never be in our lifetime and I don't think we are sinning because of it. I can't remember exactly what vlog that was but you took it down. I really loved coming here but no longer feel comfortable.

  2. We are the church. It's not the "church's" responsibility. It is my responsibility personally. It is your responsibility personally. What are we doing to help the widows and children? Don't leave it to "them", but pour out personally to others. Thank you two! I love your channel.

  3. My Husband passed away from colon cancer also in September on the 13th of last year. I am a vegetarian, my husband would not quit eating meat but he juiced veggies and tried to eat healthy. He would eat bad then do the healthy thing once a month to cleanse his system.

  4. Haha! Just seen I missed this and am like Whoooooooo!!! Over TWO HOURS… Need to get a cosy coffee and snuggle in a comfy arm chair me thinks lol!!!! Edit… that was all just so special…

  5. Could you buy you sisters house? Here in AZ property is quite expensive, I can’t even imagine having 10 acres. 5 acres is super big here in Phoenix area. Even big Arabian horse breeders/trainers I’ve visited are probably 5-10 acres. The place I used to board my horse is 5 acres and houses about 100 horses. It’s so sad that the farms/ranches in our area are so heavily taxed for what the land “could be used for” they end up breaking up land for houses and make tons of money. We have tomato problems here too, 114 dry heat many people only grow cherry tomatoes. I just got my first cherry tomato plant a month ago. Instead of patreon could you do like a $5 a month club where maybe you do one chat a month answering their questions? Or offer them a seed exchange club or something like that? Regarding the failures of the church to care for orphans ect… while I’m sure many were righteous, there was much abuse by the church. The big churches have been corrupt for generations. The greed for power is greater even than the greed for money. More people have died in the name of religions and government than anything else. They have BOTH failed our planet and our people and have contributed to this current state. I hope both will change. But It seems like we need to believe in ourselves and our neighbors and change the world through kindness and knowledge. I hope people like you who spread the word of god without asking for money or power can change peoples hearts. Your sharing your passion for gardening, homesteading and God is so inspiring and genuine. Thankyou.

  6. Hello "Miah and Jessica, I understand u r what u eat but this whole, if u dont eat sugary stuff then yr diabetes, wouldnt be so bad.. yeah I have both type1 and type 2..(1 out so many percentages u r one or the other..)my pancreas is almost dead.. so I have to take needles and take tablets.. and let me say there is such a thing of food addiction which is way out of yr control.. so higher my levels are the cravings are so strong for sweet sugary things.., it can drive u around the bend.. I am not so hard on myself.. I have sweets every nite but I am substituting processed sugar and replaced it with natural sugars in fruits and veggies and honey.. and I have lost in just under a 1year lost from size 26 down to size 14 and was150kgs down too 93kgs my doctor says( this next thing is real) you have very big and very heavy bones, so now I am still losing it but not much more..oh I also slip up and have lollies or water ice-blocks..and I kn, I will feel like crap while, I'm having a sugar rush and my levels are higher.. but very low bloods also make me feel like crap and tired…! But it is all about the key to all, I believe… so sugar or carbs is in, nearly everything that we eat. So it's a very real struggle for me as, I have alot of health issues but for the most of them I can cope with but diabetes is like being told u have cancer.. coz no matter what u set yr mind to , as to try and better yrself health wise, it can be one of the most scary sickness if u go to high u can go into a coma and also with a low.. but in those stages yr body wins always coz yr mind is wanting healthier food and snacks. I think I will save to get a juicer and DEHYDRATOR.. then I can snacks on banana chips and so many other things.. As I have to be snacking all the time, more so when I'm watchin utube . I must be snacking on foods, thank you all for your good ideas. But yeah going to save to get some good quality kitchen appliances.. so at least I will have to start to grow in my backyard for me to snack on.. luv to all..

  7. FOR SWEET MIAH Vein issues – Please try keto. It is the most noninflammatory, good for your brain, good for longevity way of eating. Some great doctors that have lectures: Jason Fung, Dr. Sten Ekberg , Here are some actual doctors so that you can listen to these lectures and decide for yourself. I've been listening to lots of lectures on long term fasting (for days not hours) When you fast for days the bad thing is that after a few days, your metabolism begins to slow down and sometimes it doesn't recover when you go back to eating. So when you come off the fast then weight will come back faster and be much harder to keep off as you get older. Also, there is the danger of Refeeding syndrome. Dr Stephen Phinney discusses the benefits and negatives of fasting in this video. He is kind of dry but he is an expert on this area , Here is a lecture on fasting from Jason Fung I hope you get fully recovered because all in possible with God. I know this is a lot of info and your probably thinking..oh gees another "crazy know it" all But, honestly I am struggling with some of the same issues and just wanted to share my research with you.So much information I have found do not tell all of the good and bad on the topics of fasting , sugar and juicing. All of which I have done myself. I am currently doing keto for the last year and do intermittent fasting from dinner until lunch. the following day. I have lost quite a bit of weight. I have zero inflammation and have not had trouble regaining anything. My migraines have gone away and my harmonies got better. I hope this helps and that you benefit from it. I enjoy all of R&R videos and look forward to those amazing garden tours 🙂

  8. You are the best inspiration for gardening, I love gardening and some people don't understand why I love it so much!!!! You two are the best ever, my favorite on You Tube, for sure!!!

  9. I'm watching this a year later and your passion for everything I'm passionate about is touching my to the point of bringing me to tears.
    I love you and your videos so much, you embody so many of the things I have felt for so long.
    (Also, I can't believe anyone has ever called you ugly Jess. Even if you were hideous on the outside, the joy that you emanate makes you so much more beautiful than so many could even hope to be. Keep shining for God and showing us the way gorgeous lady!)

  10. Regarding zinc from your garden's metal siding leaching into the soil, the root systems of Nature's plants have an excellent ability to filter what they need and don't need through the root systems. So by the time we eat them, whatever is in the soil has been purified well enough for us to handle and utilize any metals/minerals the plants are exposed to. That is the wonderful thing about plants. Their root systems are vitamin and minerals purification systems delivering our nutrients to us in perfect balance with any necessary buffers so our bodies can recognize, digest, utilize and eliminate all the vitamins and minerals from the food as needed AS OPPOSED TO man-made vitamin and minerals supplements which are ISOLATED from plants in a lab, which when ingested in a human only stimulate and later enervate.

  11. They put MSG in our foods here including "organic" foods. They just don't call it that. They call it "natural flavors or enriched, fortified, spices, seasonings" and about 45 other code names. To find out what they are go to (or com).

  12. Jeremiah is so right about the importance of keeping an open mind. A wise person said, " A mind is like a parachute. It only works if it is open." Voltaire said, "The most certain barrier to truth is the belief you already have it!"

    We've been lied to about so much including what we should be eating. They tell us we inherit diseases that make us predisposed to "diseases" but ACTUALLY the REAL reason it seems so called "diseases" are passed down through generations is that the SAME UNHEALTHY EATING HABITS ARE LEARNED AND passed down – which is REALLY what bring those conditions about. If a person in a family of people with poor eating habits decides to live a lifestyle of a raw vegan, eating only alkaline forming foods, that person will NOT develop colon cancer like his relatives who eat lots of meat and potatoes, eggs and cheese and sweets did.

    We are NOT true omnivores like pigs and dogs yet we eat like them. No WONDER cancer and heart diseases is so rampant. Meat and dairy and eggs and cooked grains and legumes( as opposed to sprouted which are good) are all acid forming mucus forming foods. Acids are corrosive in our bodies and become inflamed and destroy tissues! Our bodies combat the acids by creating mucus to try to help us eliminate them but since we aren't designed to digest acid forming foods. Some of it doesn't get eliminated and will clog up our immune systems.

    Alkaline forming foods like raw fruit and raw fruit like vegetables with seeds and raw tender leafy greens (not tough cruciferous vegetables like Kale which is what they make juicers for) will DISSOLVE the acid build up. So if you have gut issues or ANY health issues, you can benefit from cutting out protein (which grows tumors and causes pain) and starch and cooked foods.

    The more of these we cut out the better we eventually will feel. Sometimes we will experience detox reactions, which is a GOOD thing because the alkaline forming clean food is helping to dissolve and rid the body of old wastes. It is a sign you know your body is in the process of getting cleaned out. However when this happens to some people, they blame the fruit when all the body is doing is getting rid of waste.

    Our digestive tracts are identical to gorillas and they are frugivores. They eat mostly RAW fruit which is what we should be eating. We have been lied to about sugar too. We NEED the sugar from fruit.

    Dr. Robert Morse who has a PhD in Science (biochemistry) and a naturopathic doctor degree N.D. who is also a master herbalist has the real TRUTH about food and medicine. He is the author of THE DETOX MIRACLE SOURCEBOOK. He has helped people reverse their "incurable" "diseases" with raw fruit and vegetables and herbs. Here is his take on Cancer, ……..on foods and what is good or bad about each of them ….. as well as the best explanation on the internet of what our IMMUNE(lymphatic) system is; how it works and why eating certain foods can cause it not to work the way it should. Robert Morse ND Explains "The Great Lymphatic System" (Merged Series) – YouTube

    For juicers, John Kohler's , also on YouTube, is the place to go to compare and contrast juicers. He will tell you all about the warranties the companies the strengths and weaknesses of the juicers; which types of juicers are best for juicing which types of fruits, vegetables and greens. You'll save yourself a lot of time and learn a lot more about juicers by going to his channel and watching his demos before you decide what your next juicer should be.

  13. I love that you have sons named Benjamin and son named Ezra. I have a son named Benjamin Ezra. Praise God for you and God Bless your passion and message. By the way He is the fourth of 5 generations of Ezra in my family.

  14. My vegetarian, very conscientious mother had colon cancer, but fortunately it was caught in time. I am vegetarian also. I would suggest, Miah if you insist on eating meat that you eat clean organic meat. You've been eating organic already I believe. Lots of high fiber food. I regularly get a colonoscopy d/t my family history. Blessings, TY for sharing God's love.

  15. I love your site and what you and Mia do, it’s not really classy of you drinking from a straw when you’re supposed to be concentrating on us…

  16. your message and your caring is great i watch you to learn you are a great teacher i was born to a poor mother from
    Puerto Rico we were poor in money but rich in land – i watched my grandfather take care of the land – I studied made money i drive a beautiful car i also play golf – i get what your saying but you dont know what that person with the ferrari has been through if they give back – if they believe in the trinity – if they have served their country..went back home to grow food for their community that has been ravaged. I like your gardening tips but woah i love top golf golf in general relaxes me like gardening.

  17. Since I've been temporarily disabled with the foot injury not being able to do much I love gardening I love planting plants always have always complaining that home and garden channel don't have no garden shows then I found you too so many people on there and I found you you guys don't know when this is from but I'm watching it right now of how people could be so rude you are a very beautiful young woman a handsome couple people always got to make stupid comments why I don't know keep doing you love the show haters will hate

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