Whether you call them scallions, spring onions or green onions, versatile and delicious salad onions should be on every gardener’s to-grow list.
Racing to harvest in as little as eight weeks, these tasty alliums are perfect for space-strapped gardeners or for intercropping between slower-growing vegetables.
In this short video we’ll show you how to sow, grow and harvest salad onions for perfect results every time.
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….. Also …. I have cut them off to harvest leaving the roots intact… I get another harvest out of them
Please keep these great ideas coming! I am already reaping the benefits from the squash hand-pollination video. I'm growing garlic chives now, but will add salad onions to my list for next season.
Never one to waste an onion (the horror!) I toss the thinned sprouts into my omelettes and soups.
And now a special treat that'll stick to the roof of your head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM-lEhhsLQw
It is also called Welsh/Japanese onion (Allium fistulosum).
Hie im ur new subscriber can u plz give me the link from where u purchase seeds from plz reply as soon as possible.. thankyou..!!
if I overwinter these onions (I'm in London) do I need to cover them?
I cut the onions off at soil level and new greens grow up, these last all season.
you dont have to keep asking … its really quite annoying … we all know how to subscribe .. we all love your channel .. and find you interesting
I’ve never grown them from seed. All the onions I have are grown from the roots that I removed before cooking. Most of the time, I don’t even pull the entire plant up. I’ll just cut it down to soil level and leave it to grow back.
I planted my first planting of them today for our Fall garden.
Learning so much. Just got a green house and am building raised beds each week for spring planting. Soon no lawn all veg. Thank you!
How Many Kgs / Lbs Can Be Harvested From 12 Healthy Chili Plants?
I can't wait for my spring onion to be ready for harvest, great taste.
I love gardening i love green i love nature that’s why i subscribed

you bared me off my subscription cause i disagreed with you … your not very nice
I make a 4 inch wide drill and scatter seeds along this – saves thinning out. Do the same with radish.
Hey @GrowVeg. Awesome vid! Whereabouts are you planting though? Curious to compare climates. Cheers
LOL "lettuce know down below", and i thought we were talking about salad onions LOL
Thank you, I have looked everywhere for a video just like this one.
Can you explain more about the boxes you put the seedlings in – do the go in a cold store – they seem like a good idea – what do you cover with? I am very new to this
You should be on BBC
Just putting my first lot in! Love this channel, its my go to for veg as a beginner
i dont like many videos. i liked this one.
I don't know why my spring onions didn't have all seedlings out and the ones out are very thin. I thought this is the easiest to grow vegetable!
When do you plant scallions?
How do I plan my allotment to allow space for each crop and rotation? Do you have an app? pr some downloadable templates? Heeelp!!