Strawberries grow from runners, VERY easily! In this video, I show you how to collect all your strawberry runners, which are the best ones to collect, and how to then plant them to make brand new clones of your mother plant, for free!
Even if you are not harvesting the strawberry runners for new plants, you have to cut them off still. These runners take valuable resources (water and nutrients) away from the mother strawberry plant and can seriously hamper production for that year. So whether you keep the runners or not, they HAVE to be pruned off!
You can also grow strawberry plants from seeds if you have the patience and a the right timing!:
Hi. Quick question. Your video doesn't give out some essential information. So you say just plant them in the soil… Then what? Iv obviously water then straight away, but they all wilted? Is this normal? Will theycome back? Do thet need shady. Sun. Keeoing oyt the heat? Kept inside or out. Great video but more info please..
Regards matt
Great information, very nice presentation. Thanks from UK
Love this video…once you replant your runners and you want to put them back outside to grow, when would you do that? Do you keep them in your greenhouse till Spring or can you plant them in the fall and know they will regrow back in the Spring?
Great video for beginners thank you! My first time growing strawberries and I already have three runners. Now I know what to do with them!
Taking notes…… have seen where iv been doing wrong
Thanku for the great info
I just bought a ever bearing strawberry plant in a hanging Basket a month ago and so new to it and lost one of the four plants already . Realizing that I covered the crown without any knowledge about it and learnt my mistake by coming here . Great that you advised to take runners early in summer and grow well and put for sale for good price or to get good harvest the next season 
Thanks for a very informative presentation, Advice that pays off as the strawberries thrive. Fun to follow the progress, since the plant growth changes almost daily. Thanks for sharing your impressive knowledge.
Mark Warburg teaching me about strawberries. What a time to be alive
Like for the runner tips and the silly puppy paw in the face lol
nice simple short to the point thanks
Yesterday morning I cut runners from strawberries from a friends place. I wasn't allowed to keep the runners attached and pot them. I had to cut them and pot them.
I've planted the runners in a good potting soil and keeping them in the shade. Today they look a little wilted. I'm making sure with the heat the soil is moist for them to draw moisture and nutrients as the roots take hold.
Is this normal or did I do something wrong in the transplanting. I know I should leave the runners attached but it just wasn't going to be.
Great video on growing strawberry. Here is also a time-lapse video on a Strawberry seed germinating. It's incredible!
I think I watered my plants wrong. How should raised bed plants be watered and how often?
Very helpful video,thankyou, regards Tony GB.
It's september in Michigan and the 2 strawberry plants that I found in my garden and repotted to small containers are throwing runners like crazy, how can I keep these runners through the winter? thx.
What a gorgeous dog!
What did I do wrong? I planted the cut runners in planting mix, not too deep, kept them moist, and in the shade ( only one or two hours of morning sun), but half have dried up and appear dead (day 9). Zone 6 in Santa Fe New Mexico… my first try at this…
I learned a lot, thank you.
I just cut off a runner this weekend and planted it just like you showed in the video. The plant pretty much looks like it shrivel's up and dies within a couple hours of me doing it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Good video thanks
Thank you! Just watched your video how to winterize strawberries too. I'm about 200 miles south of you, so finally somebody who understands the struggle with the damp, rot and slugs we have. My berries are going into the greenhouse and under low hoops in preparation for a bad winter like they say is coming.
It's Nov 2, 2021 and I'm growing / transplanting strawberry runners now , along with blackberry & blueberry bushes an okra , etc still growing …..thanks , I agree I paid $12.98 for the hanging basket with 6 plants & 2 runners – I was happy to pay it as thats part of my / our Food source ……
God bless ….South Texas
I am in California and have runners in October can i still replant the runners. and do i need to trim my strawberries down to the nub for winter prep if they still are green and growing ?