March 23, 2025

VIDEO: How To! Growing Strawberries From Seeds (2019)

Grow unlimited strawberry plants from their seeds! In this video, I show you how to grow hundreds of new strawberry plants for seed. I show you what strawberry fruits to use and which ones not to use, plus I show you the two techniques for removing the seeds from the outer skin of the fruit.

Once the seeds are removed, I show you how to plant the seeds in a standard nursery cell tray, and await germination.

Growing Strawberries from runners is even easier! Check it out:

Re-use Old Potting Mixtures:
DIY Ultimate Potting Mix:

Strawberry Plant Care Series:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

My other Strawberry videos:

Strawberries For Beginners:
Strawberry Runners:
Strawberries From Seeds:
Winterizing Your Strawberry Plants:
Link to the Ultimate DIY Potting Mix:
Container Strawberries!:

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Strawberries up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:

The 10×20 nursery trays are a gardener’s NECESSITY. Use the Amazon Afilliate links below to find the right ones!

Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:

Make your own potting mix:

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To! Growing Strawberries From Seeds (2019)

  1. Thanks for this video! I started to germinate strawberry seeds LAST NIGHT and the next morning I check and there’s already to seeds with little little little tiny roots! Wish me luck on my strawberry bush journey!

  2. At what point do I transplant the seedlings? You stated you just planted last year’s seedlings less than three weeks ago. Am I leaving them in the seedling tray all summer and winter and not planting them until next spring? Or can I plant them in my garden sometime this season? What do I do with the seedling tray over the winter?

  3. You need to add a little more info how to treat the seedlings once you've planted the seeds. How often to water, how moist the soil, whether to place tray in glasshouse or poly tunnel, or in open area etc etc.

  4. It is interesting to grow strawberry plants from seeds, because it is not always possible to buy in your country the varieties you want.

    For example, during a trip, I managed to bring back seeds of several Japanese and French varieties, unavailable where I live.

    If you grow your strawberry plants indoors, it is possible from seeds to have fruits the same year. My strawberry plants start to produce runners after 3-4 months, and many fruits start after about six months.

  5. Great Video. Thanks
    The easiest way to grow from seeds is to take ripe strawberries (like you did) and simply squash them in your hand and berry them in potting soil. After a while they will sprout and you will notice that they are pretty crowded. Once they are about 1.5-2 inches in size, simply pull them from the potting soil (water it before to make the process easier) and place individual sprouts in individual cups.
    The other method I use is runners which is even easier.
    I am a small scale commercial farmer and I do that every season and it works like a charm.

  6. Thank you for such a great video. I have grown strawberries often on over 45 years. I would usually order a variety of plants but it does get expensive especially since every 2 to 3 years I would move the bed running from viruses. I was looking at a basket of berries but I picked last weekend add an organic farm and I had perhaps 10 barriers left that are now over ripe. I go to this farm because they’re the nicest tasting berries I’ve had in a long long time. I am going to set the berries aside and I will grow them from seed even if it takes me until the spring of 2023 I am looking forward to growing several hundred plants. I have successfully done the runner method over the years I am intrigued by the seed method. Thanks so much again I love your channel. One of the best gardening channels on the web.

  7. May I add a tip for people reading the comments. Before I planted any strawberry bad I would do you get the year before and I would work in dried acidic clippings Pete Moss etc. and leaves and overwinter it. The berries tend to like acidic ground but the best thing you can do is instead of mulching with straw I collect bags of white Pineneedles that are dry And use them as the mulch because as they break down they feed the ground and they’re also a great mat for the strawberries to grow in keeping them clean. Strawberries seem to be heavy organic feeders so bear that in mind when you’re preparing your strawberry bed. As with most gardening it always helps to be doing some thing a year before are you getting your dirt ready it’s the most important thing you can do in gardening.

  8. Where I am from I could only get store bought berries……about 10 survived and two of those are producing fruit in under a year's time(little fruit)….how do I know if the berry size is due to variety or care?(oh btw I used this tutorial for that batch)

  9. Sometimes in order to get started growing your own strawberries, you might have to get anything you can find to start when you have no other options. If you live in the city and especially in an apartment, you might not necessarily have as many options as someone who owns their own place and actually has the space and other resources. Sometimes getting started means getting anything you can you find just to start

  10. You can also wait until a strawberry goes bad and just plant the strawberry itself in the dirt. Or you can cut a sliver of a strawberry and lay it on top the dirt as some videos may show

  11. Hi from Michigan! Just checking out a few channels trying to understand my September June strawberries. Lol. They're June bearing, but they're growing fruit right now. In September. Big, beautiful, bright red ones. I got a pretty good "bam" harvest back in the second week of June. I was happy with what I got, so I went about my summer, once in a while trying to catch a runner for next year, but I stopped looking, figuring it'd happen soon as I wasn't looking. So beginning of September of 2021, I went to look for runners and found fully growing strawberries, and a ton more flowers where more berries are coming! More than I had in June.So I guess my question is… why? Could they have gone dormant during a dry spell? I'm positive they are not everbearing.

  12. If I take the seed from a ripe strawberry now in October, will it keep dried over winter for a spring sowing or will germination suffer ? And will a named variety come true from seed. I don't have any other strawberries flowering at the moment but this one (Marie Dubois) is in full swing now in October but there are no runners so I'd like to propagate it in spring from seed if possible. What do you think?

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