Seaweed fertilizer that you can make yourself! In this video, I explain how I make a liquid seaweed extract fertilizer for your garden and for making a foliar spray out of. I explain the benefits of not only using foliar sprays, but also using fermented seaweed and seaweed extracts in your vegetable garden.
Traditional liquid fertilizers can take up to 2 weeks to reach the top of the plant (apical meristem). By foliar feeding, you can hyper transport nutrients using the stomata of the leaves to enrich the plant of nutrients within minutes!
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DIY Foliar Spray from WEEDS!
DIY Fertilizer:…
DIY Potting Mix:…
Original Foliar Spray video with instructions:
Do you think I could steam seaweed or weeds to make a liquid fertilizer? I'm trying to think how to speed up the 6 week process.
Here in Lake Erie we have a few different kinds of sea weed that I could collect, but I was wondering if weed from the lake is just as beneficial as the one from the sea/ocean. Also, does it make a difference if the weed is washed up on shore (and collect that) or it has to be still growing in the water just before picking . Thanks
Nice tips in gardening
Miss Emma is beautiful. I have Wakame flakes. I make dashi occasionally — but what about store bought Fish emulsion. I use that too. Did you fall on those rocks and lose a tooth?
Nice video , thanks for sharing!
love your videos man. keep it up. one question can you foliar feed with fish fertilizer .
You asked for comments about the crabs. It may be due to ocean ph levels changing making it harder for shells to form correctly. AKA Acid rain. Thanks for your insights in gardening, I live near the ocean in Alaska but this is the first time I've collected kelp to use in my garden. Organic gardening most of my life for most of my food, but,,,, I don't know everything, I'm not that young anymore.
So glad I found your channel. I do have some questions
I live in South Texas will sargasso seaweed work ?
How long is the end solution good for?
With fermentation what would happen if you aerate the process ? I thought fermentation would grow things you dont want
Hello, how long Will last the store liquid? Tx
so/many of the "dead crab" you see are actually empty shells that crabs shed and leave behind as they grow larger. they product a whole new shell! fascinating.
7hat's what I was thinking when I saw the kelp fertilizer prices loll
Wow,,can i use seagrapes?
Did u add a haft water and haft seawds?
Ur plants there is really looks good
Hi there! Very interesting video. I'd like to know if this foliar fertilizer can be used for orchids,desert Rose's or any flowers. How long can we keep this fertiliser and be still efficient? Thanks & kind regards from Mauritius island!
How often do you apply it?
Can I use the dried kelp and seaweeds sold in Asian markets?
Stomata are typically open during the day to favor CO2 diffusion when light is available for photosynthesis, and close at night to limit transpiration and save water.
Many stores sell dried seaweed designed to be eaten, such as wakame and kombu seaweed. Most that I see are from South Korea and Japan. Can I do this same process using those seaweed?
Thank you. You are a wealth of information.
Hi! Thanks for the video. What’s your thoughts on foliar feeding shrubs? Roses, buxus, annuals in pots and baskets etc. I have liquid seaweed. Thanks!
Fish dog! Mine loves the water too. Such a good boy!
What about Irish moss?
such a pretty lettuce! what do you do about slugs?