March 24, 2025

VIDEO: How To Grow Strawberries – For Beginners!

Let’s grow some strawberries! In this video, I want to show you that anyone can garden. There are few easier plants to reap the gardener’s rewards as the luscious ever-bearing Strawberry plant!

I’ll show you from start to finish how to prepare your garden bed with compost, then potting mix, and ready the surface of the bed for finally planting your Strawberry mother plants, crowns, or runners!

Easy DIY Garden Bed!:

DIY Wood Stain From Blackberries!:

Little more advanced elegant garden bed:

DIY Potting Mix:

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Grow Strawberries – For Beginners!

  1. I agree, Strawberries are a perfect beginner crop to grow and are tailor made for raised beds and container gardening!  Even if I lived in an apartment, I'd still grow as many Strawberries as possible!

  2. This is about the 5th video I've watched about growing strawberries. Why doesn't anyone talk about how much water they need! or how to fertilize. Do they need direct sunlight?

  3. Hi just a question I was going to start getting my strawberries ready for winter when I noticed that on one of the stems they were green and black like berries whether the seeds or not I don’t know have you ever come across this should I plan Them and see what comes Sandra Gambles UK

  4. Watermelon takes too much time to prepare to eat
    Grapes are just.. sour at the start and not in the mood much
    Bananas are only good once they get spots

  5. I found the tomatoes are easy to grow. Even if you’ve never grown strawberries, you can place a bad tomato in the garden and it’ll grow! You can also take the seeds from a good tomato and still get a good vine. My favorite is the cherry tomato when growing tomatoes. Tomatoes were the first things I’ve personally discovered I could grow out of the edible plants out there.

    When watering tender young plants that are delicate, you might try a small glass to water them instead of a watering can. You can even use something as tall as a regular drinking glass, but the smaller one will allow you to water closer to the plant without knocking it over and ruining it. Another thing you can also get is a bottle with a special nozzle that you can gently squeeze to get the water to the right spot. That way, you have more control over the flow and where the water goes specifically

    The more of your own food you can grow on your own, the less you’ll have to spend on groceries

  6. The only thing I wouldn’t like about having a wooden raised bed is the fact that eventually wood rots and needs replaced. I’ll personally would rather have something made of concrete that doesn’t rot. Even growing something in an old aquarium you no longer use for fish would do the trick

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