March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Is This The End?

It seems we have received some bad news here at the Brew City Gardener Channel. What it means for the channel is still unknown. I hate to think that this is the end of the Brew City Garden. Only time will tell. Please keep us in your prayers as we make our transition. Thanks for everything.

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Is This The End?

  1. I have been there. I have moved 10 times in 20 years because I am a renter. Each time there was something positive about the new place that was only revealed after some time there. One place had a back yard with an incredible array of growing things. I was fascinated by all of it. Another had decades old grape vines. You will be completely stressed for a few months but you will get through it. Go forward with optimism. When you do, everyone in your family will too. Make it a game to discover the new community if you have to move. Make it a daily affirmation to be positive and you will get through and at one point you will be completely jazzed by the new journey! Good Luck!

  2. Sorry Oppe. That is a shitty situation for sure, we will all send good vibes your way and hope you can find a new forever home. We all will support you on this journey and next chapter of the Brew City Gardener. Hang in there you have an amazing youtube community behind you!!!!

  3. WOW I am so sorry to hear all this buddy! Yeah getting upset is totally understandable. With the child in need of the best medical help makes this a little better to handle the sad news. Still nothing can take the place of your home that you worked on so hard on for the last 5 years. Our prayers are with you my friend. Please keep us posted on how things are panning out. Keep the faith brother that something will break fast and all this will work out!

  4. Chin up and know the Lord is moving you on to bigger and greater things! You just have to focus on the footsteps and taking one step at a time. And keep growing things! It is therapy and I have learned so much from you. Don’t stress on the videos, I think most of your followers will still be here when you do land on your feet again. You are in my prayers!

  5. We were hit with a big blow also this year. It's tough… I promise you the kids will be okay. Brandon cried and cried and he has been able to find his happiness again. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. This may open up a huge thing for you. I know this is a horrible feeling. I'm still sad and angry but just keep on keeping on. Anything you need let me know.

  6. Oh man. Sorry to to hear this. Try and stay positive. You never know, things might work out better than you ever imagined. I wish you all the very best. Turn this into a good thing.

  7. Sorry to hear this Opie! We lost our home during the great recession which is why we live where we live now. We built our homestead with our life savings and started over. We love where we are now and would never go back, you may find the same to be true of your new home. Stick in there, it does get better! Our families thoughts and prayers are with you!

  8. Oppe you are smart, creative, funny and kind. Things will be better in less time than you think.
    I'm more of a psychology and motivation guy than a praying guy so here's what I have for you.

    The human brain can only be experiencing one emotion at a time. You can't be happy and sad at the same time. You can't be fearful and fearless at the same time. So if you find yourself down turn the channel on your mind to gratefulness.

    I can't wait to see you in your new garden. When you get there maybe I can come by and we can do a collaboration to help get things restarted. And if you stay in the same neighborhood the name will still work. Good luck until then my man.

  9. You take care of your real life family first. We will wait. Most, if not all of us, can follow you through Facebook. The positive energy you have put into the universe, will come back to you. Sending prayers, light and positive energy your way, as well as healing energy for your landlord's grandchild.

    If you have a Paypal account, please post a link here.

  10. Oh no, Oppe. I am so sorry to hear this news. Of course you will make a new place amazing, but that doesn't make this transition easier at the moment. Just wanted to say that you did not fail. You are doing the best you can to make the world in which you live make sense. You have a great support on your channel, and I'm sure your friends here will not let you down. Much love…you will find something that you will make amazing because you care about growing…

  11. So sorry to hear this. I will be thinking of you and your family as you try to find a new home and new happy place. It is hard to lose your home, but I’m sure hearing the reason put things in a new perspective. It sounds like you have wonderful people behind you and helping. Take care of you and your family and I will continue to be here when you have time to share.

  12. Ok been binge watching and letting your videos run on my TV while I'm doing chores.been very very impressed with the knowledge and results of you straw bales garden. After watching you've inspired me to try to get some straw bales… As far as the housing situation I too am a man of Faith. This situation didn't surprise God. He's got you and your family.and He's got this it will work out if it hasn't already Lastly. Where ever you end up don't stop You tubing. You have too much knowledge for us newbies to miss out on . Our channel is called Grow Where You're Planted Homestead for a reason. Wherever your at God wants you to grow. … Just think of it as being transplanted. He loves you and wants you to thrive. Remember Grow Where You're Planted. And You're Loved more than you know.

  13. I have been watching you for the past 12 hours and I have finally found a channel that will walk me through this straw-bale gardening process… then I found out this unfortunate info… I know by now you have moved and I pray you guys get to where you need to be for your family and continue your knowledge and passion for gardening. This was a great setup, there will be better setups. I know where you have been all too well. You will be back on top again!!!!! It will be better than you think it was… time heals… when preparation meets opportunity blessings happen!!!! Don’t stop! Blessing to you and your families… and the family where you had to move from.

  14. I found this channel after finally starting my ruth stout garden and planting potatoes in the straw. I used to live in Milwaukee and if you are in one of those 2-4 unit apartments, the space is very limited. I hope that you started a few bales in the back to keep you going. Good luck to you

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