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0:43 – Time requirements of growing food and excuses
1:46 – Crop rotation purpose and refresh of what it is
3:05 – Gardening techniques have progressed over the years
3:53 – Why crop rotation is needed
5:01 – The important link between succession planting and rotation
6:25 – Observe and interact, inspired by nature
8:17 – Lack of flexibility of rotating
8:41 – My version of crop rotation
9:34 – How I deal with a plant disease
10:44 – Garden examples 1
11:58 – Garden examples 2
12:49 – Weather’s impact on yearly yields
13:14 – Importance of creativity
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HuwsNursery is a channel which dedicates itself to teaching you how to grow an abundance of food at your home. Videos are uploaded every week and cover a vast range of subjects including; soil health, sowing, transplanting, weeding, organic tips, permaculture, pest control, harvesting and low maintenance growing to name a few.
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With thanks to the support of my top tier patreons; William Shidal, Ben Porcher, Namaste Foundation, Valeria Letelier and Mike Moore
#permaculture #organicgardening #selfsufficiency
I hope you enjoy this one. Here are the timecodes mentioned for easy navigation after watching the video:
0:43 – Time requirements of growing food and excuses
1:46 – Crop rotation purpose and refresh of what it is
3:05 – Gardening techniques have progressed over the years
3:53 – Why crop rotation is needed
5:01 – The important link between succession planting and rotation
6:25 – Observe and interact, inspired by nature
8:17 – Lack of flexibility of rotating
8:41 – My version of crop rotation
9:34 – How I deal with a plant disease
10:44 – Garden examples 1
11:58 – Garden examples 2
12:49 – Weather's impact on yearly yields
13:14 – Importance of creativity
I didn't realise how cold I was until you said "go and get a hot drink"
Hadn't considered writing things down as I learn – thanks! I've just started a garden notebook!
brilliant video this is my first year growing some veggies and i will be trying the no dig methodx
Great vid. Only a third of the way through but the secret is to keep the soil covered with growing plants……many people don’t realise that 25% of the plants sugars that they make through -photosynthesis are exchanged with the soil micro biome attracting microbes bacteria, archea and fungi to the root zone these organisms exchange minerals and nutrients with the plant. Boosting its growth plant immune system.. as a result the same plant grown this way on super healthy soil will be nutrient dense and the immune effects can be -assed to the organisms that then eat the plants (ie us). It’s so sad that many people don’t realise the benefits of eating live plants. It’s no surprise that so many people suffer from chronic diseases when you analyse their diet.
The food that has often been dead for years containing minimal nutrientsAnd often covered with herbicides pesticides fungicides and then in order to maintain a long shelflife injected with biocides. Is it any wonder that our gut Microbiome and then destroyed by consuming this poison food.
But hey there are a couple of benefits. The process food manufacturers make a lot of profit and the government generates a lot of taxes in the sale of their products.oh and the healthcare industry balloons out of all proportion employing millions of people and the pharmaceutical companies make eye watering returns on selling their pills and potions. Yeay!
Great point – I always disliked the idea of crop rotation mainly because of all the extra effort it takes, like re-establishing your netting and other defences from pests
ok. but…do you know the nutrient quality of your harvested plants? is it better ?
Yeah, if enuf organic diversity is piled on top in fall, then the soil gets enriched to the point of being renewed, so not needing rotation.
I watch your videos and others and see you bringing in so much compost and wonder how you can afford to buy it if you are not producing all that yourself.
Here in the US the average home gardener can't afford to buy compost and besides the cost most of what is sold as compost here is nothing more than topsoil.
Even finding cow manure in my area, in any real amount is a struggle because the farmers use it on their own crop fields.
so like syntropic farming
Great stuff brother!
The seventh year. We will see your garden after seven years.
I did not appreciate publicity in the middle of the video.
I find this interesting. From Thomas Declan Galvin, Athlone, County Westmeath, republic of Ireland.
Thanks a million for this video. I have long wondered why most of the youtube videos on gardening NEVER TALK ABOUT the interactive processes in the soil. Microorganisms feeding plants and plants feeding microorganisms is the BASIC simbiotic relationship in nature that every gardener needs to understand. Understanding of how the soil works can save us hours and lots of wasted energy, you are right on about that! Good to know this is finally getting out to the public….
Crop rotation is done for a reason. It has a huge effect in reduction disease year by year.
"Crop Rotation is a Waste of Time"
No, no its not. As per the massive dust bowl event suggests………………… so, i have NO interest in watching past 1:46 as I dont think you know exactly what you are talking about
The most abundant healthy organic veggie garden I've ever seen was my uncles and he didn't actually rotate things at all the same things for the most part were in same place with the exception of new things he'd try and maybe didn't like and would switch out
how wide are your raised beds?
I am pretty beginner, but after little experimentation and listen more experienced people, I agree with this.
Here is only one problem I see – if one is living in town and have no time to be every day at garden, he/she cannot use soil so effective and so – cannot have more in-year rotations/plant exchanges.
Thank you, regards from Serbia.
subtitle Indonesia
Does the great famine of Ireland ring any bells?
Why would I keep a raised bed empty for 6 months a year? Well, because there is about a meter of snow on top of it. Can't really grow much in those conditions. The growing season is about 5 months here, if the weather is warm. Damn winters disrespecting the soil
so I might rotate crops anyway.
Hi. Think I need more help than these videos gives. Could you leave me the link to your growing planner app or site. I need to get growing but mostly I just get frustrated. Living in New Zealand but I’m from uk so it’s nice to get a voice from home and not USA.
First he explains that one main reason people rotate their crops is to avoid pests from becoming too established, then he never touches on the subject or offers any solutions with his method.
I do enjoy your no nonsense delivery. I find too many gardeners talk far too much about nothing. I do rotate but I also do no dig. As one who is not that organised with the theory of planting, it is nice to know that I don’t have to worry about crop rotation.
Where in Wales are you based and is your allotment open to the public.
What is the idea with planting the squash into the black mesh?