Make your own healthy dog food! In this video, I show you the homemade dog food recipe that I have been using for the last 7 plus years. I have never fed my puppy a commercial dog food diet and she has never experienced the issues that many dogs her age start to get. But even better is that her coat NEVER smells. Not even when she’s wet. She has the softest, most beautiful coat ever.
The recipe is as follows:
1 large cow kidney
1 large cow liver
1 large cow heart
1 pack chicken thighs (bone-in) or drumsticks
1 large shredded zucchini
2 large shredded carrots
1 cup blackberries or blueberries
2-3 cups peas or beans
1 cup quinoa, oats, flax seed, oatmeal, yams, or sweet potatoes
*optional* 2 tablespoons fish oil, 2 tablespoons calcium supplement
As always, consult your dog’s vet or a professional animal nutritionist before making any changes to your pet’s diet. What works for me may not work for you. When in doubt, start small and give the recipe in small amounts between meals, as a treat.
It takes less time to make this than it would be for me to drive to the nearest pet store!
You have valuable information on your channel. A loving way to take care of our pets is making their food. Genius.
Reminder, this is what I feed MY dog. I also supplement with fish oil, and if you aren't grinding up the chicken bones, you'll need a powdered calcium supplement as well, especially when your dog gets older. As always, consult your vet or animal nutritionist whenever changing your pet's diet!
my gut instinct was to buy chicken liver and chicken heart. But THEN, i read that I cant give too much, or give it every day, so that stuff that idea up lol. I do also feed chicken thighs carrots and sweet potato, so I think I will make some bags with liver and heart, and some without, so I can alternate. Gosh this is confusing stuff. I suppliment with fish oil.. and I also give him puppy milk because its full of calcium for him as hes only 6months old.
Your dog is absolutely beautiful btw. I had golden retrievers when my kids were growing up and I just adore them. My dog atm is a toy poodle.
Loving the content. You deserve more subscribers! Do you know of smzeus”dot”com?! It’s a great tool for growing your channel!
Okay, stupid question for ya … how is this stored? from what I understand we can't leave meat in the fridge longer than a couple of days so do you freeze it afterwards?
Thank you for this. I’ve never thought of making dog food before. Totally inspired now after this recipe. So glad I found your channel.
okay at the risk of sounding like a nut, i also make homemade–vegan food for my dogs (many reasons) but i haven't always been totally comfortable with it…simply because one look at their canines and ya know the rest. anyway, i do feel that my vegan recipe is far superior to any bag of dog food. which brings me to my objection with dog foods–they contribute to factory farming. but after watching your video, i was thinking about maybe buying organic or grass fed and at least supplementing my recipe with yours a couple times a week or month. so here's my question: with your recipe and your size dog–how much do you feed him, in cups, per day? and how long does that recipe last you? i've never heard of a magic bullet…a type of food processor?
hi again, i have a question…hope you have time to answer: when you grind the drumsticks, i'm assuming the meat, skin, and all gets ground up in there. My question is: I've read/heard that cooked bones are the problem, so given that you grind the bones raw, but then cook them, is this ever an issue? do you ever find shards? yes, i admit i'm a victim of prior brainwashing that says bones should never be given to dogs…i guess i was just wondering if the magic bullet processor gets the stuff down to a pretty "fine" consistency. sorry two questions. thanks.
Hi, do you normally cook the same thing for the past years or do you change the menu?