June 28, 2024

VIDEO: Big Trouble for Small Farmers in BC!

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Watch the new update regarding this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqqAGqQdEjQ

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.


Music by: Sweeps – www.soundcloud.com/sweepsbeats
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Big Trouble for Small Farmers in BC!

  1. They should transfer the land to their kids and build in their names.

    When all this criminals make laws they also leave loopholes to utilise. Your job is to find them and utilize as well.

  2. There’s an election because the current government is o corrupt they could be sued personally for the Covid bullshit they’ve pulled on all of us.
    Bills are passed to rebate carouse for all.

  3. I can sit at this keyboard and type in discussions after discussion with ALR. They serve a misguided code of conduct fueled by city planners, and a government mentality. If the ALR is to survive and service the industry it needs to be restructure with a new form of governing one the truly represents those who farm, a new breed and style of farmer, which would require a range of farmers of various backgrounds with a city planner, and a government agent to work out the process, and be open minded to new opportunities to supplement farming incomes. The new board should be able to have strong mandates, over offshore investors, and the Rich and mindless against purchasing land for extravagant dwellings with no intention to farm the land.
    Years ago I formed the CRAIG TABLE to discuss Sustainable, many great ideas were shared but few got to bare fruit. However, a decade later I took it upon myself to head out and find out why…. I found our road blocks city planning, and government departmental bureaucracy. All sat at my table with preconceived ideas and their own mindset, nothing to offer that was relevant, and the most frustrating thing was they could not conceive new ideas, or approaches.

    MY platform is simple, I an going to initiate a Facebook site called CRAIC: REGEN to focus on our survival, our commitment to change the outcome of climate change. When you sit at the table one thing matters LIFE MATTERS, one law, Live Our Vulnerabilities Everyday. how? through Respect for our Ecology, Humanity, and Spirituality, which support the 7 elements that sustain life and work intertwine with one and other Water, Food, Shelter, Health, Safety, Knowledge, Work. Not complicated accept the natural formula and we can work out all our issues locally and globally.

    The old CRAIC table held many discussions on Water, our drinking supply, our ability to recycle and not waste this precious commodity and an approach to our bodies of water to sustain and regen. Food, was very important as if we want to move the human race forward to take action and create awareness of the land, agriculture held many answers and solutions to challenges we face today. Farming offered cost effective solutions and an education starting point to help reconnect with the land, while creating small ventures to assist micro economies. Shelter was a big one that followed, Passive House concepts led the way, and paved interest into Small Homes and Tiny Home/House. These housing concepts worked well within the framework of small scale permaculture or regen agri-farms. We have at the table a road map to move forward, as we start, share and gain knowledge we can repair our ecosystems, solve our food supply and reduce waste, and shelter a growing population both in a Rural and Urban environment.

    When I approached farmers with the CRAIC ReGen concepts on FARROW land (to start small) they like it, but could not stand behind the idea in fear is fear of the backlash of the ALR. Unfortunately, they must all feel like puppets on a string. I say that Governance will crumble, when parties pursue personal and corporate agendas and not the WILL of the People, Climate change does not only apply to our Ecology on this planet, Climate Change is being directed to the Governance of our countries and planet. When we become determined to sustain our very existence we will clip the strings of the superpowers that toy with us and move into new directions.
    Facebook CRAIC.REGEN

  4. That’s so Interesting.
    I was considering to buy a farm/ranch in BC. But continue hearing about these horrible stories on how mismanagement, lousy government and globalization are killing agricultural businesses in BC.

  5. Interesting. I went to a restaurant in Cuba that had less bs than these guys have to put up with. Same premises. But they did pigs chicken fish and all greens as well!!

  6. We plan to move to bc in 2 years and start a farm as near to kelowna as possible… this is really important information. Even the mansion thing annoys me-if a farmer wants a nice house on their own land, why stop them? Just make a rule of square feet per acre.

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