March 26, 2025

VIDEO: To Free-range or not free-range? Plus my thoughts on free-ranging.

To free-range or not to free-range? Plus my thoughts on free-ranging.
Free-ranging chickens is a subject with several different opinions. Many people say free-ranging is better for your birds health, which can be true. It can also be dangerous, especially if you have dogs wandering the neighborhood. Hawks and other birds of prey can also be hazards when free-ranging your flock.
Free-ranging your chickens can be good for your flocks health, but it can also be risky because of predators. You might also have neighbors who don’t enjoy your chickens on their land.

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4 thoughts on “VIDEO: To Free-range or not free-range? Plus my thoughts on free-ranging.

  1. We free range shaved on feed but there is some downfalls if they go too far away and get caught by predators but they come back in the evening when it starts to get dark you just have to teach him what

  2. I prefer free ranging, I have chicken to decrease the nasty biting bugs. bonus is bright orange egg yolks that are super yummy. In the winter time they run amuck through out 3 stall with a fenced in over hang.

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