March 14, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Radishes from Sowing to Harvest

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Speedy radishes can be grown almost anywhere: between larger vegetables, around soon-to-finish crops, in pots, or to give peppery roots both early or late in the season.

Try some for yourself, including delicious winter radishes to sow from late summer. In this short video we’ll tell you all you need to grow them successfully.

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Radishes from Sowing to Harvest

  1. I planted a row of black radishes (with a row each of salad onions and carrots) at the beginning of the month and followed all the instructions (depth of sowing, watering etc). They are in full sunlight. After a week there were a couple of little green leaves poking up but these have now disappeared. When I return to my patch to water it, the area looks as though someone or something has been digging in it – there are six inch deep pits in what was smooth soil and today some of my plastic row markers (I had planted other veg too – carrots and salad onions) have been moved, one was moved to a nearby ledge, one was buried, one was out of the bed entirely (nearby on the ground) and one was completely missing. There is also no sign of any carrots or onions growing! What's going on?

  2. great video, you say sow in spring, i had not the chance this year so i sowed them in july, I wonder if i sow them at the end of july I will get a crop under a large hoop house, what is your experience on this please.

  3. Hello! New subscriber here! I love your channel, I’m Mexican and I just moved to the Uk since my fiancé it’s British and I wanted some gardening tips for this time zone/weather and I’m totally binging all your videos, great explanations and very jolly!

  4. I grew 3 containers, staggered. The only problem was the soil must have had to much nitrogen, the tops were amazing but the bottoms were almost non existent. Love your videos, thank you.

  5. Excellent video! Is it possible to harvest a few radish leaves but leave the root to grow on? I’ve found the leaves to be tasty with my egg on toast, so wanted to take a few leaves while I wait for the root to fully swell (which is currently edible but small). GS.

  6. I have good luck with the little cherry radishes, but my daikons go to seed before they become large enough to eat!? Not sure what to do, so am focusing on other crops.

  7. I have tried every method you outlined and I cannot get my radishes to bulb out. I have lovely tops, but that’s always it. Only my composter is enjoying them. This may be one of the easiest and fastest crops to grow, but this gardener is stumped.

  8. Apparently I am growing winter radish varieties but have been trying for three years and they always bolt without producing radishes. Do you plant winter radishes at a different time? I am following the instructions on the packet but again they are bolting. I planted them around the Memorial day. (after last frost date.

  9. i just love ❤️ radishes & this is my first growing them in my garden. i allready see red popping at the soil line. i have thined them out and weed free. my question to you is … when do i know they are ready to pull ??? thanks for the helpful video

  10. hi from Australia Aug 2022 i planted watermelon , spanish and mixed whites, reds etc… the foliage is huge but not much happening below ground … this is now about 8 weeks…. any suggestions on what I did wrong???

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