March 23, 2025

14 thoughts on “VIDEO: JUICING RHUBARB #gardeninguk #juicing

  1. I tried this recently as well Adam. I spent hours cleaning rhubarb fibers out of the sieve -thingy, only to have the enamel dissolved off of my teeth after 1 sip. I chucked the rest of it into a pan with apples, plums, peaches and 1/2 kilo of sugar and boiled it into a compote. Sometimes it's just fun to try things.

  2. Kid…you're our of your flippin' mind.  Lmao…. The baker lady is in stitches also.  What would ever make you think of that?  IF you ever try that again…use a small soup ladle & spoon to get that "foam? off the top.  Pmsl…. You/re a riot kiddo.  Thanx for posting.

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