March 19, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Garlic In Containers (2019)

Growing garlic is fun and easy! And growing garlic in containers is even more fun, and dare I say, even easier! In this video, I show you step by step how to grow garlic in your container of choice, beginning with prepping the soil mixture, the container itself, as well as the individual garlic cloves.

It is super easy and you’ll never have to buy garlic again. You only need a few things to get started and garlic is one of the plants that makes fall gardening so rewarding!

DIY Potting Mix Video:

How To Harvest Garlic Video:

Original Planting Garlic Video:

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Garlic In Containers (2019)

  1. Just saw that report where 80% of the world's garlic comes from China! Wow. Traces of formaldehyde, pesticides, lead, sewage, and other chemicals found on them. Seriously….garlic is too easy to not grow it!

  2. I missed my fall window. If I prepped up a container now (early Feb) with moistened soil and set it outside, would that be enough to stratify and get the garlic to grow when it warms up. I'm in Zone 4b (Minnesota) so I should have 6 weeks of winter left.

  3. Great video we planted ours last fall in 2 sections. A small plot along our back fence most dedicated to berries and we have another batch growing along the side of our carport. I counted up 56 plants today so we should have a good supply. Been growing garlic for about 30 years now. Great stuff and good for the immune system with this virus thingy going on!

  4. If I plant it now when will it be ready to harvest? Should I be planting it indoors or in a cedar raised planter on my deck in full southern exposure. I live in South eastern Ontario. I plan on bringing the planter in before the first frost. Thank you!

  5. Well We just watched your video and found out that we could put garlic in the freezer if we missed the season what a great idea great video

  6. I live in central BC Canada. would I need extra mulch? Can be in the -15-20 Celsius on an off through the winter. It doesn't usually rain much, but could get a bit of snow. Do they need to be watered in winter at all? Sorry, it will be my first time to do this. Thank you.

  7. Please post instructions for your homemade planter boxes. Our wide deck cap rails just beg for the boxes and the $10 cost per box appeals to my Scots background. Do you drill weep holes in the bottom of the box? Thanks for your videos!

  8. Why do most of these grow it yourself videos never show you the end yield… it's one of the most rewarding part of growing vegies and proof the recommended growing theory isn't just that – a theory.

  9. We've had a very mild winter up until now, so I waited until mid-October to plant my garlic. One month in and so far so good. All plants have germinated/sprouted following the advice in your video. They're all hard stem German Giant.

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