March 15, 2025

VIDEO: MASSIVE End of Season Carrot Harvest – Straw Bale Gardening

Can you grow carrots in a straw bale garden? See for yourself! We have been harvesting carrots as needed all season long but since we have to break the garden down we went ahead and harvested all the carrots we had left. Check out our MASSIVE end of season carrot harvest from the straw bale garden!! Thanks for watching!

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12 thoughts on “VIDEO: MASSIVE End of Season Carrot Harvest – Straw Bale Gardening

  1. Very nice harvest ya got there! Love me some carrots! Not found ya a hot pepper. LOL. Hiccups tells it all. Going to be some happy folks getting those carrots. Heck ya you can grow carrots in bales. Hope you have a great week!

  2. Great job on this video! Send me your new address, I'll send you a little "gift box" with a couple signed books and a box of BaleBuster20. It is shelf stable for up to three years if you don't need it this spring. I appreciate all you do to help promote the Straw Bale Gardens method, and want to acknowledge your efforts with this small gift. Shoot me a message or email or whatever with your shipping info, and I'll get it out to you right away.

  3. I have colony rabbits so long as the leaves arent poisonous then I would just send the less than stellar ones to the bunnies. Granted its a treat and shouldnt be a lot but we have more than enough rabbits it wouldnt make them sick and the greens are likely good for them since they dont have the sugars.

    Im quite sure they arent toxic. Ill have to double check.

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