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We made this video yesterday then our internet went down. So here is Mondays with Miah…on Tuesday.
Good job!!
nice way to make safe and dry
I must not have been around long enough to know what that building is. Is it on your property?
Great video with good info. Thanks for sharing. I've gotten some good ideas to try.
Love Monday's with mia
Do you have an issue with condensation in any of your containers?
Loved Monday’s with Miah. Very informative and to the point. You should keep it up, you both are very good at what you do. We missed you Jess, bless you guys.
Always good when a plan changes for the better. That's what we call progress. Good Job!
Great use for broken chest freezers.
Nice job on the video – interesting information. Best part: "Jess is coming home. I missed her. I'm going to go finish cleaning up the house so she has a clean house to come home to."
lots of great information .. full of tips .. ingenuity and thoughtfulness … thank you for all this information …
Enjoyed the video. You are a gem. Take care
Wow I love your barn it's so beautiful
Love the video Miah, yeah I wouldn't mind taking a tour of how the morning feeding chores go. Great ideas on storing the feed.
Thanks for the video,
Wow a lot of great information on diets and food for the different animals needs. Storage ideas are a great plus. Thanks Miah.
Great video!!
Thanks, Miah! Mondays with Miah are proving to be, as with Jess' vlogs, seemingly Divinely Inspired- exactly what we need right when we need it!! Thank you for breaking it down into digestible logical chunks that are easy for this beginning builder/farmer/homesteader to understand! We Bless you right back, Brother!
How is it I didn't know you had ducks??
I really like hearing what worked and didn’t work. I would love a video that shows how each type of animal on your farm benefits you. How do they make you money? What is there purpose if not just a pet.
How would you feel about doing a devotional? I would love to hear your view on things.
I love your farm. Ive been really hoping to see a video on your horses! They are my favorite farm animal
Horses…I've never seen them. Now they like to cuddle. Love watching all y'all.
So you dont have a problem with the deep freezers sweating? I have an big old one I have refused to throw away because I knew I could find a use for it some day but every time I open it there is condensation inside.
Very well thought out ! We will keep this in mind. Thank You!
Like knowing the logistics
I hope that Miah will consider starting his own channel. His personal expertise so compliments your expertise, but his instructions on the building end and “heavy lifting” side of a homestead would be well received. I understand that he may not be as comfortable in front of a camera as you are, but he’s very good at getting his point across and teaching his side of the homestead business. Please consider it Miah!