March 17, 2025

11 thoughts on “VIDEO: CONKERS IN AUTUMN #conkers

  1. Adam, always enjoy the walks you go on through the country side. I have never heard of "conkers". Is that a game? or another name for the horse chestnuts? Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the day! Catherine

  2. My grandfather told me about Conkers, the game. However, when I was growing up there were none so we used Buckeyes instead. Yes, I'm from Ohio originally. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Noo stop they are dangerous you might lose an eye or your arm playing with them. Or even explode and take your entire head off.. Yes I am telling you it could happen.. Well Maybe… I hope you were wearing the correct safety equipment full body condom….. The safety police will be after you my boy what will you be up to next climbing trees and playing football in the street till you tea is ready eh?? Well you were warned if you fall and break a leg or blow your head off with them conkers don't come running to me complaining.
    Ahh the good old days 😉 They like to ban everything thats fun eh.
    Like the vid mate you found the mother lode of conkers.

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