March 18, 2025

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: What Happens When you Plant 6000 Seeds Without Spacing Them? FINAL RESULTS!

  1. I think your idea of pest damage is backwards. The plant gets stressed first, releases chemicals that attracts the bugs (why you don't get pests on every plant, just the weakened ones).
    Once the pests starting eating the plant, it takes a saliva sample abd then release another chemical to attract the predator of that pest.

    Dan Kitteridge has some good info on this. A favorite line of his goes something like this "you don't go from healthy to dead and neither do your plants".

  2. I'm gd sick and tired of expert advice of ph, soil type, nutrients. Go to a spot, throw a bunch of seeds in it, water it, make sure it gets some sun. Fact: Something will grow.

  3. Spacing and thinning is because seed distributors want you to buy more as grow less. The standard till and row farming methods are actually more damaging.

  4. After watching this "6000 seeds" series yesterday I decided to take all of my carrot seeds and radish seeds and toss them in the same bed/area. 4 packs of carrots and 6 packs of radishes. I think from your results in this experiment, I can expect all of the radishes to be harvested before they ever affect the carrots at all. This is so exciting to try!

  5. Thanks, Luke. It's nice to see you experiment with things to see how they turn out. So many garden ideas are not what you think. Some are just wrong. Gotta try things to learn.

  6. I didnt space our beets at all..beets were small but as we started eating the leaves and smaller beets, rest of the beets grew much bigger..I think if we had worried about the spacing, we wouldn't have this much beets and plus my mom and aunt loved the beets leaves more than the beets

  7. Did I miss how you planted all these seeds. So would you recommend me to do this with all the extra seeds I have left over? Or should I save these seeds for next year?

  8. I am watching this in hopes of gleaning whether or not I should thin out some of my daikon radish that I planted along with carrots. The radish is booming. And I think crowding out the carrot growth, judging by the leafiness happening. Is it too late to thin if the leaves are like 4 or 5 inches long? This was my first attempt at growing veggies from seeds, so obviously I learned something. I just don’t know what to do. I could either see what happens or thin some leaves down, but I don’t know if that will help the carrots. I paid for the carrot seeds, and got the daikon seeds as a gift, so Im a bit more invested in the carrots 😉

    Your garden is impressive, though

  9. Thats a great yield! I usually plant haphazardly because Mother Nature is the same and I figure, our ancestors from 3 000 years ago didn't have fancy planters we have today and they somehow managed to grow food. I also find that my plants are generally more resilient for it. My only enemies are animals that try and dig up my stuff.

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