In this video, I give you my five top tips on how to grow a ton of tomatoes in just one long raised bed garden!
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
G'day Everyone! I've been wanting to upload a "How to grow a ton of tomatoes" video for a long time and finally, I've done it! Hope you like it – thanks for all your support
How do you cope with fruit fly which is abundant in Australia? It would seem to me that none of your fruit was affected. Strange?
Holy crap I would love to grow more than 4 tomatoes…
15,000 varieties!!!! Any tips on where is a good place to get some different varieties of seed from?
do you ever have any problem with stink bugs?
how do you stop fruit fly
Hey mark, I’ve heard you recommend growing through the colder months. Do you still give it a go at this time of year? I’m in Qld too but my patch gets a little protection from afternoon sun
where do you get your fermenting bottles from? Thanks for all the info on tomatoes……I’m usually very good at killing them but will try again now.
Very good information. Thankyou
How deep the raised bed for tomatoes should be.??
Hi Mark, we are buying a small farm at Port Macquarie. How far north are you? Just wondering if your climate is like ours, and if we can grow plants like you are doing.
I love your video ‘s . I just started planting some veggies in my back yard and want to know what are the good fertiliser and sprays to make them healthy and diseases free.
Hi Mr self sufficient, how are you? I have been trying to gardening for a long time now but never succeeded the way I would like to but after watching your YouTube videos I want to try harder I want to know where or how to get the birdies garden raise bed please.
Thanks for your help, learning more!
Let's try not to think about his shrunken shorts.
You have great soil. Those tomatoes looked beautiful.
Please someone show me how to get fruit on my tomatoes I get all leaves an some flowers that die and drop off.
Just planted mint up next potato’s and tomatoes
Soo much great