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I recommended a professional broker to you guys sometime ago,can i get person who invested with her
Comment below
In few months or no time people will definitely be kicking themselves in regret for missing the opportunity to buy or invest in cryptocurrency. Can my fellow investor's say HELLO.
To much talk…You should show to peoples how to make the garden like you do….how to take care of the garden and plant…
We have 13 hectares but we can't afford a sprinkler system so rain is miracle we just water them by hanf
Thank you for the kind information . I am from Sri Lanka .
Thanks man, this video gave me a boost to start my own farm, although i have about an acre but always hesitating to just go.. thanks again and good farming there
I'm 17 and I'm already getting all the lots that my parents and grandparents have for the sole purpose of farming. I really like to start a farming business but I don't know where to start… well, good luck to me.
I am trying to start a farm and you just boosted my vision and motivation..Remind blessed
Love all the information!
Your videos are amazing ,ur channel needs more exposure. Please keep making videos
Plus if possible most of us who watch ur videos will never be able to afford a farm we want to grow small gardens.show us techniques of planting please
This I call real schooling, thank you..
Highly packed information for newbie farmer. This video has boosted my desire for making a living with farming this year
Nice to see your video.. You kept making videos like this so that people get encouraged. You have been making videos like this, it is good to see the videos you have made. Thank you for making your video.
Tired of working at jobs I hate. I grew up in Ohio and various family members always had land they would grow something on. So I'm no stranger to hard work and I find it fun and soothing. Wanted to get into it, but I have to buy or lease some land and as far as housing well idk lol. Might have to homestead.
Great content my brother. I own 10 acres of land, in 2 different properties. How much would charge me to help me start?I need your help please.
What was that machine you used to harvest the lettuce?
Which country you streaming from?
In which country is your physical farm?
I like the video content
What's the tools being used at 19:16 to lay out the planting squares?
Yaaahh this is nice i have learnt a lot
Thanks man
Hallow, thanks for the teaching, I'm a farmer , I have a small farm but it has not be profitable the way I'm hoping for. What can I do to improve the farm, I plant vegetables mostly
I actually had to view this video twice, because you presented so much info that I never had considered before. U.S.A here, are you in the Nederlands? Please post more of these info videos. Maybe on marketing tips, weed control, pest and disease prevention. Great video too.
Good one
So much great information! Thank you for sharing!
how about the foul run management[roadrunner chicken ]
A very useful video! Best of luck in the future