December 22, 2024

VIDEO: How To Grow Alfalfa Sprouts – 3 EASY Steps! (2019)

How to grow Alfalfa Sprouts! It is so easy and only takes 4-5 days! In this video, I show you in 3 simple steps how to grow your own Alfalfa sprouts from seed, simply, in a jar or container. Growing your own food has never been easier…or tastier!

Avoid buying that days-old Alfalfa mush from the grocery store and grow your own organic, fresh Alfalfa for a fraction of the cost. Growing Alfalfa sprouts is the first gateway sprout in a vast world of sprouts and microgreens that you can delve into once you master the art of sprouting Alfalfa. Three easy steps, 5 days or less, and all you need is a clean container, clean water, and of course, organic Alfalfa seeds!

If you can’t find any in your area, consider grabbing some organic Alfalfa seed from the affiliate links below. Free Prime shipping with Amazon!:

Canada Amazon:
USA Amazon:

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Grow Alfalfa Sprouts – 3 EASY Steps! (2019)

  1. Too Long Didn't Watch? Step 1, soak your seeds. Soak them for 24 hours, rinsing every 8. Step 2, drain the seeds and let them germinate. Rinse them once a day. Step 3, green them up by removing the lid and placing them in a sunny window sill. They green and grow fast at this point. Eat once they are big enough, refrigerate and use for up to 5 days. Comment below on your favorite sprouts or sprout recipes, and make sure to click subscribe to join me on my growing journey! 🙂

  2. Thank you! This method worked so much better than what I was doing before. I didn't know that tipping the jar to drain and using a sprouting lid, was totally unnecessary (in fact, that was just making the moisture leave the sprouts too fast). I just let the sprouts grow in the jar upright, and I put the lid on top of the jar without screwing it, so it kept the moisture in but didn't suffocate the sprouts. Then after 2 days I put the same jar on the window sill to "green up." 2 tbsp of seeds grew to 2/3 of a 1L mason jar! Sweet!

  3. Good morning, sir! I am doing a science presentation for school on seed germination. May I use this video as part of my project? Hope to hear from you soon. My project is ending 14th july. Thank you!!

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