백향과(passion fruit)순을 이용하여 번식시켜보았습니다.
재미있게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요~
I tried to breed using passion fruit sprout.
I hope you enjoyed the video
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+촬영/편집 :
Korean Gardener 초록식물TV
#패션프루츠 #백향과 #passion_fruit
+ Creative Commons
My one year old passion fruit plant blooming a lot but no fruit at all. Can you please suggest a remedy?
Hi, I am from Sri Lanka, in my country we eat passion leaves too. We prepare it as a salad by cutting it in to very thin and tiny pieces, and adding coconut, lime, salt and chopped green chillies. It is good for controlling high blood pressure.
Q le puso al agua?
전 2년째 키우고 있는데 아직 꽃이 피지 않네요 ㅠㅠ
열개의 모종이 그리 크게 변한건가요?
물꽂이 시기는 연중 가능한가요?
저도 시계꽃을 좋아해서 화분에
어떤 흙이 좋은가요
화분깊이는 어느 정도이면 좋을까요~?
구도꽈 좋아요 누르고 갑니다
Bagi dong.
처음 순치기나 가지치기는 어떻게 하나요?
저기 백향과 온도 중요하나요?

I was hoping you'd include the days like you had in your thumbnail… can't see how long it took for it to fruit from the video. hanks
꽃을 보려고 열매달린 묘목을 구입했어요.
꽃을 보려면 어떤환경으로 해줘야될까요?
Can grow passion tree from its fruits
Good video
When should I fertilizer to passion fruit vines?
I copied what you did and it worked. They are rooting. Just checking what to do next lol
옥상에서 키우는데 꽃만 피고 열매는 안열리는데 왜 그런건가용?ㅠㅠ
Get faster if you put on the land straght
cool thanks i just made cuttings yesterday because i could not get my new vine through my front door to my back deck excellent video.
Passion Fruit 은 한국에서도 비닐하우스실내에서 키우느것이 가능하군요 감사드립니다 항상 건강하세요
아저씨 솔직히 말해. 드루이드지?
Cuantos días dura para germinar
Super travail
분양받고싶은데요 어떻게하면되나요?