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Awesome man. We're slowly planning our start hopefully next year.
Ove your videos.thank you very much for explaining it in such a simple way
Hey, leuke video! Erg benieuwd welk merk/product irrigatie je gebruikt?
Wow! This is one of the best channels I've seen. Thank you for such detail
I want learn about farming can you guide me.
I am from Kashmir India
I like to come and work with you
New subscriber from Germany,thanks for this informative video.Hope to do farming soon.God bless in have more subscriber
Hi Moreno! New sub, I am overwhelmed by your gardening techniques you have learned your lessons very well! It's exciting to watch, learn your talents! My 24'x58' is a bed of rocks here in Washington state left by glaciers from Mt. Rainier. I have picked so many rocks it actually lowered the original height of garden bed. Yet I have had successful crops, this is my second year. Now the moles need to be removed! Always something going after my vegetables! I use natural Neem oil and natural dish soap. Still I cannot grow any brassicas they go to seed garden soil gets so hot(rocks) or white moths lay there eggs. Same with growing corn, rats from neighbor farms climb stalks and eat the kernels. Rocks really increase the soil temp and seeds won't sprout. But it's all fun and gardening becomes a habit that I enjoy. Thank You Again Moreno for such great videos!
You listed requirement for 1-2 but the rest was just mentioned not written out. I need the names of those farm equipments. You’re wonderful
Where do you get your seedling trays? I haven’t found them with the press to form them
Adoramos o seu canal poderia colocar legenda em português nossos amigos nào sabem falar ingles
Abraço do Brasil!!!
Beautiful farming.
Great info thx.
Hi my friend.
Iam from Greece.
Nice job. It is looking amazing.
Do you not use any paper as a substrate before throwing the compost ??? how do you manage not to have weeds ??? thank you very much
Great Channel