March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Fix Frozen Soil | Still need to Plant Onions & Garlic in my Back Yard Garden

Fix Frozen Soil | Still need to Plant Onions & Garlic in my Back Yard Garden
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21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Fix Frozen Soil | Still need to Plant Onions & Garlic in my Back Yard Garden

  1. good luck with your planting. I planted my garlic way early. I went by a trusted source's recommendation of 30 days before frost and here we are 3 months later and it was like 60 degrees yesterday. I reckon it should still be fine but if not, at least I learned something

  2. I planted my garlic two days ago here in zone 9A Central California. Snow is forecast this next week. Even here we're just staying ahead of Jack Frost. Best wishes to you and all gardeners.

  3. Hi Mark, I did a test area last fall with leaves from my trees. It worked really well. So I continued it this fall. I have plenty of leaves from my own trees. Every tree is healthy so I'm not worried. Garlic and walking onions are in and sprouted. The tell will be the reveal come spring and mid summer. The winter cabbage is doing well. Well worth the planting in May. "Tundra King Cabbage" is tasty! God bless.

  4. For the last few years, I have left a 20' trailer at my sister-in-laws house in a large city. Her yard man would bag all the leaves he raked and stack them on the trailer. I just go back to my sister-in-laws when the trailer is full and take them home in the country.

  5. Nice that you can charge for your mulch. In my neighborhood, they charge US if we want their chipped trees. Also, with the grand solar minimum arriving, you might consider your zone one down from where it usually is.

  6. Mark, are you planting the garlic in the leaf mold or in the soil underneath? I too have collected the tree leaves from the trees in my yard and I was thinking I could plant my garlic directly in the leaf mold. I'm in zone 6a/6b in Missouri. Today is 11-23-2019 and it's 41 degrees. Is it too late to put my garlic in and, can I plant them in the leaf mold?

  7. Thank God we don't get frozen soil here in Arizona. We always have a few inches of mulch to build soil and retain moisture in the soil. We plant our garlic crop in December when we get a little cooler here.

  8. I have never thought of planting onions this time of the year. I thought they would freeze. I guess a good mulch would protect them. They do not sell onion bulbs in the fall where I live but I could start some from seed. I may try it next fall.

  9. I'm in zone 5b (Lafayette, IN), and it will be my first time planting here. I've had 3"-4" of mulch from the city on the designated garden area for a couple of month now. Do you think I could try and plant garlic now, or should I be better of waiting until next year? With your videos I feel like I'm back in college taking a class I like, you are a good teacher!

  10. I live in zone 3 and have left some carrots I've grown in the summer in the ground covering them with leaves and tar paper before it snowed and used them all winter long. They were easy to dig up and were surprisingly sweeter than the fall picked carrots.

  11. I'm in zone 7-7b (banana belt = hot and dry summers) your cardboard method looks great and makes sense to keep my ground warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Summer heat & blazing sun is out problem.

    Where do you get your garlic and shallots to plant in the winter?

  12. Hello, I like to know about lime/calcium hydroxide effects on effective organisms. Will lime kill the effective organisms? I gonna do some mushroom cultivation. And I came across cold pasteurization with lime…

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