March 20, 2025

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Protect and Prep Your Soil For Spring For Free

  1. been adding leaves and woodchips(back to eden method) for 6 years now, and right now I got all the neighbor's leaves a foot high over my whole backyard. the soil is awesome and black beautiful and loamy. my produce and native plants are loving it!

  2. Luke what a great episode. Covering your garden in cold weather climates is vital in the offseason for all the reasons you mentioned.

    I tend to use silage tarps because I have raised beds. I use leaves and cover the garden at the end of October and open it up again in mid-April. The silage tarp help the soil from leaching all the nutrients and also helps the decomposition of the leaves.

    An added benefit is that the silage tarp prohibits the soil from getting to muddy in the spring. So I can work the garden in the spring when the weather clears up.

    Silage tarps also keep weeds from growing.

  3. Just watched. Would it be beneficial to keep grass clippings and dead leaves and do this 3-4 times during the winter? It would be easy enough for me to keep bags under the deck but is this helpful to becoming more fully closed loop process?

  4. I absolutely love your videos! I’m new to gardening. I live in Northern Alberta we get to -40/-45 Celsius! I mulched my leaves and covered my garden area at the end of fall we get snow October to End of April I’m excited for winter to be done so I can get outside and start gardening! Do I rototille the mulch in with my garden bed as soon as Spring break up happens? I didn’t put lawn clippings in my garden is that ok?

  5. A bit late to this video, but for particular snowy areas a thought came to mind. After putting down the leaves or other types of mulch you could lay down some plywood on top to prevent the compression of the snow even more so, while also adding a little bit more insulation from the cold.

  6. Would you suggest this is true only where it snows and gets really cold? I live in an area where winter temperatures rarely get below 10C so I grow crops all year round – or at least I hope to. Given my success during spring/summer to date I'm not holding my breath!

  7. Would you advise covering with a tarp as well? I'm prepping a garden for spring and turning very sandy soil into hopefully good soil for a spring garden. We get a lot of wind, constant rain through the Fall/Winter/Spring, and some snow.. I'm wondering if covering the leaf mulch with a tarp will help more

  8. Great vid. Question…I did this. Leaves have been on beds for two month now. do I put cow/horse manuer on top one month before starting to snow/plant? Thanks for the advice. Appreciate it!

  9. Hey Luke, what do you recommend doing with old plants from last season, like the ones behind you at the end of the video? Should we pull everything out by the roots? Or what about just cutting things off and leaving the roots in the soil to provide structure in a “no-till” sense? How worried are we about disease from the old rotting stems and roots? Thanks

  10. Hah! With the glasses and thin scraggly goatee, it makes you resemble the lead singer for Joywave, LOL. All in lightheartedness, by the way. Thanks for this vid. I just ordered a bagger kit for my mower, so I don't have to pick this stuff up on the side of the road anymore. Plus, I can clean out some really "natural" areas with leaves and twigs, and the red tips that sprouted up where there used to be lawn.

  11. Living in new jerse, why majority of my tomatoes are green by the end of October, has sun whole day:(
    P.s. the big tomatoes are not solid inside, like half hollow, not to good to eat 🙁
    Good drawing soil included compost, fertilizer and cow manure. 🙁
    Any advise ?

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