Prepare Your Rosemary And Other Perennial Plants For Winter! In this video, I show you how to get your Rosemary plants ready to combat the cold winter days ahead using 3 simple strategies that should only take you 5 minutes! Perennial plants are some of the most rewarding and giving plants, while also being the most maintenance-free. However, a small amount of planning and preparation in the fall can set your Rosemary up to handle whatever the winter can throw at it, and be ready for maximum production the following spring!
Pruning Your Rosemary Properly:
Stop Fall Pruning!:
Make sure that you don't prune these guys, even if tempted. Here's a video on the dangers of fall pruning!:
It’s Feb here in Nova Scotia I have a beauty in a cool place waiting to go into the garden Thankyou so much
It’s in a pot for the next two months hope it can go out in May in a warm spot
When do harvest for use without killing it when winter hits it?
I just bought my first rosemary bush I live in Massachusetts we have some rough winters would theses methods work over here if I plant it in the ground? Or should I go out and get a big pot?
I had a beautiful Rosemary plant die on me during the Winter. The ground got saturated with water then the ground froze.
Question: do you have a video on how you prepare and store grass clippings leaves Etc to be used as mulch? Ty
I just built a small unheated greenhouse out of pvc pipe for rosemary I started from cuttings back in May. Should I bring them all inside or are they tough enough to stand the cold winter without any protection but straw? I wrapped the planters with 1 layer of bubblewrap and thats all I've done so far.Thank you so much!
can rosemary in pot be growed outside in canada during winter?
What if your rosemary plants aren't very big before winter comes? I have a few in containers that didn't take off very well. Still mulch them and hope they last the winter?
excellent tips
I have a wonderful rosemary bush in a big Chinese ornamental pot and have to bring it inside and put it on my (heated but cool) sunporch over the winter. Here in the Catskill Mountains the 10 degree 30mph winds would otherwise kill it. Last winter the plant did fine on the porch but also began to grow purply and splindly growth during Jan/Feb/March. Is that a problem? Is there any way to stop the growth perhaps on spindly stems so that the plant just rests i winter and begins again to grow hard and fragrant spikes in late April? I love my plant so much…
lovely plant . what kind of Rosemary is it also is pine needles acceptable when it comes to mulch ?
Time for bed!
What zone are you in?
We've encountered first frost already and my rosemary and oregano are both small plants yet. Should we bring ours in for the winter?
I live in Kentucky. Right now my plant is thriving, It is surrounded by pebble rocks. Do I need to still add the straw or mulch?
Short, sweet and to the point. I love it when vloggers can tackle a broad subject in a short amount of time. I wish they all were as clever. thanks!
May I ask: which zone are you in? I am in Zone 5 and sometimes it's -20F…can rosemary survive? Thanks!
Thank you!! I am from the Puerto Rico. But, I am in South Carolina now and I dont know how to get ready for winter. So, I will be watching your videos for tips. I have rosemary, thyme, rose, cactus, pepper, mint, some others. Thank you!!
What zone are you doing this in?
Mature Rosemary turned dark after an untypical long freeze in zone 8. 1. Is it likely to come back if cut completely to the ground (new shoots)?
My Rosemary bush is bare dry and brown . Is it dead . I had a lot of pest ( lil white flying bugs ) causing my plant tonecome yellow spotted . I never saw rosemary get this way .
are those grass mulch?
Ty for this
great vid, do you recommend wrapping/covering 100% of the plant in burlap? or filling in to half the plant with mulch? I've heard this helps. Put mine in this spring so it will be their first winter. About 14 inches high at time of writing, gettting ready to trim in another week or to be 4 weeks ahead of first frost
Completely forgot to winterize my rosemary. Its pretty snowy and cold here, but bringing them is not an option even though they are potted. I have seen advice to not cut them back, but to mulch, but also some people say to cut it back to 3 inches tall. Which is the right way?
What part of the country do you live in? It's way too cold in here in NH to keep Rosemary outside.
I mulched, placed a large tomato cage over it upside down, and covered that with a double layer of burlap.