A successful garden starts with healthy soil. Don’t be fooled about how to create it…
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Will the woodchips absorb nitrogen while breaking down, thus leaving the plants and trees nitrogen deficient?
Put cardboard down first to help keep the weeds down, or on your paths, or where you don't want aggressive plants to grow.
I have been using wood chips for 30 years. Got my own chipper 20 years ago. One thing I add to this method is mower compost. I mow over wood chips with a lawnmower and throw clippings on top of it to mix a smooth mulch which breaks down into soil in a matter of weeks. Ducks roam about to dig for bugs and add fertilizer. They also can recycle meat and food scraps into compost. Every year I collect Christmas trees to chip myself and that brings in far away organic matter. The soil here is coral ruck so acidification is never an issue. In fact when restoring a rockland pine forest wood chips are the only way to do it.
Last yr I bought mulch from home dept or lowes. Can't remember which. I put it under my zucchini and squash and one bag was woodchuck and the other was like Shredded mulch. They brought bugs and killed my zucchini and squash. I was sooooooo pissed
coming to you live from 2 years ago
0.75x speed
And no greenbrier!
Lol, love that you left the playtime in…real life right there
i live in FL and we have no dirt but we got a hole lot of sand I have been Building my garden for 3 years now it does real good in the beginning then it seems like everything just dropped off plants don't grow real big live in the ground what can be my problem
I love yorkies…i used to have lots of them.
Gotta love Prigioni's enthusiasm!! Gets me pumped, love the guy.
Can you come to my house !!! I am starting from scratch here at my new house. The soil is hard and sandy.
sloooooooooooow down abit buddy ,thanks for showing ive just come into a large garden space so its like a blank canvas at moment covered in weeds and brambles for past 20 years, so ive a lot on my plate ,greetings from Wales UK.
Video was great till the dog came in. Omgsh annoying. Anyhow. Great info.
Very helpful
Have you encountered jumping worms in your garden. We have a lot of wood chips in our garden and now we have jumping worms. They are destroying the upper layers of my soil and nobody tells gardeners what to do after you have them except to kill them and to be careful not to spread them. Do you have any experience with them yet?
Clickbait title. I might have to unsubscribe.
Chip drop was awesome! Probably won't need more for about 2 years
(half acre here)
James they lie about everything, they don't want the people to know, you don't need to use their chemicals to grow food for yourself
Dude fucking puches me at the beginning of the video
Excellent informational video. Thanks for answering some of my questions.
Nature was created with amazing design by God.
I have used bark mulch for ages but recently came across a large amount of stuck together white fungusy bark mulch I had put down which I had to break up so that the water could get through, didn't realize that could happen
Id anyone wants to hear Paul’s comments he was on joe rogans podcast.
Its a good video? personality is a little energetic
Do the wood chips eventually turn into plantable composter?
Hummm… When you put manure in between wood chips you are basically making a compost. You have carbon then nitrogen then carbon.