March 25, 2025

VIDEO: 28,000+ GIFTS for My BackYard Garden Watchers

28,000+ GIFTS for My Backyard Garden Watchers
Dr Elaine Ingham Video:

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Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : .

How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. .

#gardening #notill #backyardgardening

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: 28,000+ GIFTS for My BackYard Garden Watchers

  1. Zone 9b. I have been binge watching your videos and so glad to have found you and this fantastic information. Watched the video with Dr. Ingram speaking about minerals. Well, I do not have to buy Azomite anymore. I am not making compost anymore. I HAVE BEEN WORKING TOO HARD…I do not have to spend hours pulling weeds…I have been liberated!!!!!!
    I live on the foothills of the Sierras in an area that gets, in a good year, 17” of rain. My gardens and fruit trees are mulched winter and summer with either straw or wood chips. Mainly to help keep the rain that does fall in the soil. Vegetables are grown in raised beds with mimosa trees everywhere to provide shade in summer. And for the past 2 years I have had root knot nematodes in the beds. I was delighted to watch your video on beneficial nematodes. Have wanted to get some but thought they might damage something else. Thank you again for all the useful information. Have a splendid holiday and looking forward to more videos…

  2. I come from Germany in the city of Hanover I am 21 years old and am an urban farmer in the middle of the city I love your videos and try to imitate them as best as possible.Keep up the good work with your videos, and a happy new year

  3. I live in Canberra Australia-we are in the middle of The Summer from Hell-with bushfires and drought and a government that doesnt believe in human made climate change. love your gardening channel and really appreciate your gift of carbon sequestration-We have 8 raised vege beds love growing stuff but wow is it difficuilt in a drought keep up the good work

  4. Butte Alaska, zone 3b. Looking forward to spring and can’t wait to try out your metal Mesh and wood chips raised beds this year. I may try some with black landscape fabric on the outside to see if it will raise the soiL temp quicker in the spring. Raised beds help a lot to garden here with their ability to raise the soil temp. Keep up the good work and great videos.

  5. Thank you Mark! I just found your channel last night and have watched over a dozen videos. I have already learned so much, many things to try this year. Love from Toms River, NJ.

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