Today, I’m going through Baker Creeks new catalog and talking to you, the new seed shopper, and sharing some of my tips of navigating the world of seed shopping. This is NOT a sponsored video, these are just my honest opinions!
My favorite seed companies:
Seed Starting 101 Video:
Luke’s 87 Year Old Tomato Seed Video:
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds:
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My frost date information: Each winter, on average, your risk of frost is from August 17 through July 12. Almost certainly, however, you will receive frost from September 2 through June 23. You are almost guaranteed that you will not get frost from July 31 through August 2. <—that last bit is 3 days!! ROFL
I look for the varieties that were introduced 70 to 100 years ago. There is a reason these varieties are still around today. Tomato Growers Supply and Tomato Fest websites are really good resources for tomato information. And don’t be afraid to contact your local farm extension agents. They are a wonderful resource of local knowledge whether you are growing vegetables, canning your harvest or plant fruit trees. If they don’t have the answer they can most likely put you in touch with somebody who does. State agriculture department websites are also a goldmine of information and don’t forget other neighboring states with similar USDA zones to your location. As far as Baker Creek is concerned, we stopped by there on our way home from Branson one day and had the best experience. Jere and his family were great! His girls showed my grandson around the gardens and Jere gave us a personal tour of his greenhouse. Also had an awesome lunch!
I took a section of my backyard this year to start a small garden but our backyard way back when was a riverbed so while trying to dig and prepare raised beds it's taking a massive amount of time to dig out the abundance of rocks and I have some things planted that seem to be doing ok but I feel like the soil is lacking a lot of nutrients but I'm trying to compost and add nitrogen I'm so excited to do this I'm just worried about getting discouraged. My grandparents always had a large garden and the majority of what we ate came from that garden and it seems like we always had a healthy immune system, lots of energy and we weren't overweight and I contribute it to the healthier eating we grew up with and I always enjoy your videos but do you have any advice for a fairly new gardener.
Question, how do you store your seeds until the next year?
You're amazing! Thank you so much for all your help!!! I was starting to get really overwhelmed and sad that I had started so late in the spring/summer and figured I'd fail in fall, but I feel much better after watching all your videos!
What I'd like to know is how much lettuce to plant if you eat a huge mixing bowl full of salad every day. I LOVE salad! It just seems like lettuce takes a lot of space. Don't you just get one head from each plant?
I live in zone 7a, so I have a similar growing season to you, although it's much dryer here. I'm just starting out, and it's already September, so I just bought a bunch of things that sounded neat and that will grow quickly in cooler weather. I'll have the whole winter to actually plan, I only have time to have fun this year.
When I get the Bakers Creek catalog this winter, I'm going to purchase something from them. I always thought they were too expensive, but I can afford 1 or 2 packets. I can get the rest from Hundreds, who I like a lot. Also is a small business. Thank you for encouraging us to think about what our dollars are supporting.
Is there a reason you prefer heirloom over hybrid seeds? I heard that heirloom are more disease prone than hybrid. I can only plant in containers. I am brand new to this. I lost all my tomatoes and bell peppers due to the extreme heat wave we had this year & have been searching seeds online. i bought plants from local nursery. I think I want to start from seed this spring. FYI-Baker is one of the top10 companies listed online. I was looking at Seeds n Such? Have you heard of them
Excellent video! Truly! Thanks for sharing your experience with us! Love your channel!
I dont think I have a template or friends that can help me I avg about 1500-1700 tomatoes from 1/25 of an acre -3 yrs straight but I really do love the idea of new seeds new flavors new drive for what I can do. Thankyou for your channel.
I am just one person. Is that easier to calculate? Probably not. I will just wing it!
Seed shopping is one of the most exciting things!
I know this is an old video but I'm newly subscribed and a new gardener and this was SO HELPFUL! One question, I found some seeds (specifically with onion seeds) that show either Long Day or Short Day. I tried doing some research but am just finding anything that explains really what the means?
Thank you for helping me learn!
Any good ideas on growing in planted boxes that get part shade?
Highly recommend a vacuum sealer for saving seeds
"let it go and chalk it up to a learning experience" ugh the garden teaches us so many valuable lessons about life. Just try! Didn't work? Well you learned something, now try again! Love it
Dave's garden has a tool on that website that lists all the seed companies by state and reviews I strongly suggest you check it out.
So what do you do with dehydrated cherry tomatoes?
Greatest job, miss my veggie garden, all good info!
I was always taught when the ground conditions outside are rite PLANT IT
Oh me…I shouldn’t of watched this one… I ordered way to much. Love your videos. We have built raised beds in our round pen, it’s awesome.
I'm so mad at myself. I didn't seal open packs and all my tomato seeds got mixed up. How do yall keep packs after they're open
Because of your influence, my husband and sat down to a bowl of stir fried veggies from our very small garden.
Wish I would have watched this at the start of our growing season! I had no clue about the difference of direct vs transplant days!
So many of my plants are 4-6 weeks "behind" and now I know why! Next year starting seeds indoor much earlier!
Wow I have 4 of those photo case deals! Lol. 3 have colored cases inside the one is clear. Found them at a nearby Walmart. I actually have been seeking them out. But I think 4 will be plenty now, lol! I just thought that was cool!