Was our expensive electric fence worth the money to keep our chickens safe from foxes and dogs? In this video, I show how we built our electric fence to stop predators from getting our hens and other poultry.
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
we used to have horses. Best thing to have is an electric fence. It protects the fence against the horses leaning on it.. but yes, if u forget, you get a boot, soon reminds you lol.. electric fences are a great way to go.
The superficial tooth conceivably strip because bottom anecdotally sigh except a red fear. organic, hesitant algeria
I have one that's not solar powered, That I've had for almost 20 years and it's good for ten miles of fence. Sorry folks solar wasn't really a thing in my area 20 years ago or even now. It cost me a grand total of 200.00 $ U.S. That's the charger, the line and the stops. I lost it last year due to hurricanes. Now I'm going to have to start fresh this spring.
Our friends have chickens and they have hired trappers to remove foxes. They had to make a large pen for their chickens not for foxes but to predator birds like hawks that would eat their free range chickens
I know this video was posted about 2 years ago but seeing as how I just watched it , I'll give my opinion anyway . There 's a reason we all know the old axiom ," A good fence makes for great neighbors " . Sometimes your neighbors a drunk and sometimes your neighbors a bear , a physical fence coupled with an electric fence works for either one . Is it worth it ? Heck yeah , always worth it , the fences keep what is yours , yours and what's not yours out . The only time an electric fence doesn't work for you is if you like to pee on a post , if that's the case enjoy your shock .
Never work with children or animals.
Face the solar panel North?! Oh yeah, I forgot your down under!
your chickens have bird brains
zAP those {female dog}s
Once the predators realize that the gate isn’t electrified won’t they enter your property that way?
I find this "SHOCKING", That you did not do it sooner
Very interesting and informative …well done guys !
That price really seems to be enexpensive, compared to some.
Nice fence! Your property is so nice. !!
ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT!!!!! Electric fence is the ONLY way I have ever been able to secure the garden from rabbits, and neighbor dogs etc. Used it on the farm for years to keep the cows where they belong. GOOD ON YA from Oklahoma!!
God Bless !
OF course there are many folks out here that could DIY it for thousands less $$$ BUT if ya don't know how, ya pay the pro to do it RIGHT the FIRST time, so ya don't have to pay the pro to fix yer mistakes. :>))
I've lost 7 quail to rats and two quail to a cat. My predator proofing is terrible, obviously.
I know what you meen about PAYBACK!
* 12/76 + Airrifle
* Traps
* Electricity
* Jack Russel terrier
* The mink man ?
You got a great deal! I paid double that to have a few rooms in my house painted. I’d say you made the better investment. What would happen to a chicken that touched the hot wire?
Nice fence. Chicken wire was a good idea. We have snake fence here in Texas, but it get all snakes. I lost 8 Arabian Goats that I dearly loved to coyotes. The cost doesn't matter when you care about your animals. I learned a hard lesson about Turkey Vultures. People think they are just scavengers, but when a calf is first born, it will lay still for hours till mom comes back. Vulture will come down and pull the eyes out of the new born calves. I understand now why farmers almost eradicated them.
Aswom Work, Watching from FiJi Great Job.
Clarence Mills Hi I’ve been watching yo program for sometime know! I and I’ve picked up heaps hopes was very inter rested in the electricity the fence this brought a shocking memory to me,my wife had horses when we go married 8years ago, she ask me if could put up electric fence year shore hun no prob when I was a young nipper my dad had a farm’s this preempt electric fences. Well I put up the fence now problem tested it no problem the horse’s didn’t go near the fences I had put in 2 runs that all Ok! until I tried to duke under the fence wellll that tested my manhood my wife started laughing trying to say are all right darling at the same time. So the moto of this is if you going to put up electric fence just for horses make sure the power is off. Cya
Can you get wifi down there
Hi Mark, how’s the fence holding up? We recently had a fox take a few of our girls and are now looking into this system.have you had any issues with this model energiser?
Nice fence! The Pro did a nice job and it gives peace of mind. PRICELESS !
Brilliant video! Just wondering if it would work in an African village!
Bargain! Tho not to all the creatures your keeping out, they’re all spewin they can’t get to their free feeds
Ever thought of getting a dog that would keep foxes away?