March 23, 2025

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Protect A Fruit Tree During the Winter

  1. Imagine if the WHOLE WORLD grew food forests instead of front lawns and backyards…. Damn the world would be nice and people wouldn't be so wound up.

  2. James, early next spring use a shovel to sever roots 12- 14"inches back from trunk around fig tree to add stress to root-ball, this will make fig tree fruit immensely. This makes the root ball feel constricted. A fig tree will fruit heavily when it has it's roots constricted. If not, all you will usually get is few fruits lots of leaves. Fig trees are resilient and will grow crazy. Be well my friend Happy New Year! GOD bless!

  3. I spent my time before fall, just putting together on paper (many scraps) of cover seeds combinations to sow for winter. The hoop house though remind me of a kid's toy box or a treasure chest for good things to do.

  4. Wow, your fig tree insulation is intense! Thanks for sharing. I just mulch super high, tie the tree and wrap the burlap and tie that. If it ever fails me then I know what to do.

  5. I am in the southern hemisphere so we are going to winter but i have a fig tree thats still full of leaves. What will happens if i insulate it early so that I don't lose leaves.

  6. This is so helpful! I have 2 fig trees in pots and am in 6a. I've been bringing them inside next to a South-facing window, but they are ones that are supposed to be more winter- hardy than most. Maybe I'll plant them and try this. When do you unwrap them in Spring? I have a shoot coming up from the dirt – not the main trunk on one of mine. Should I cut it down below the dirt level? Tuck is such a cutie!

  7. Nice video, thank you. Love the extra tip about the fig branches for smoking meats. Butchering outer pigs this week, I’ll do that when I smoke some.

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