March 29, 2025

VIDEO: The ‘Petri Dish’ Method of Seed Starting Is an Absolute Game Changer

If you are starting seeds with the paper towel method in a zip lock baggie, this method of seed starting will change your life. This absolute game changer is called the ‘Petri dish nerhod and uses plastic containers rather than zip lock baggies.
Condiment containers – Check out our new clothing line!

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: The ‘Petri Dish’ Method of Seed Starting Is an Absolute Game Changer

  1. YAY! I did done sumpin good, without being told!!! I used sandwich meat container (about 5×7, and about 1 1/2 in tall) I did 1 with regular orange carrots, 1 with rainbow mix, then, because some seeds grew into the towels, I put the 2 paper towels side by side in a 3rd bucket. Now, between 3 buckets, I have about 50 seedlings about an inch tall!

  2. I just used paper towel method to root red bell pepper seeds after I ate the bell pepper. Most of them sprouted even though I was told they likely wouldn’t ;). I just planted them in starter soil so I’m not sure how many will actually grow but I’m excited about the prospect. I will try your method next as it does seem easier to me. I have tons of those dressing containers for brining my lunch to work. Love it!

  3. I think you overdramatized the paper towel method a bit. It really isn't that difficult and it is ridiculous to show trying to wet and seed the paper towel WHILE it is in the bag? You are the only one I have seen do that. Most will wet the paper towel & put on their seeds BEFORE they put it in the bag. Then put a second paper towel over the seeds or simply fold over the one you already have. Slip it easily into the bag. Literally all your "issues" disappeared. Ta Da!

  4. Thank you very much, I am trying to start seeds from Aji Amarillo from Peru and I was using the baggy method, much better than anything, however, after seeing your video I am inclined to try these containers…

  5. Thanks Luke, great idea. I like to flip mine upside down though. The roots grow down and they go towards the plastic instead of growing into the paper towel.

  6. You can get more seeds in a large food saving container. You can get them at the dollar store. Same procedure and easier to stack and get 100’s more seeds in a small space.

  7. Just an FYI I always fold my paper towel over the seed. I slide the folded paper towel in qnd out of the plastic bag on a daily basis to check germination. Works fine

  8. brilliant idea. unfortunately I had to hear a lot a blah blah to get an information that could be transmitted in maximum 30 seconds. I wonder why the north american citizens, renowned for their business talent, do forget too often that :"TIME IS MONEY"

  9. Thanks you! I tried the ziploc method last year and was very frustrated. I already have some condiment containers and will try this method this year. Great idea!

  10. If you flip your paper towel over, you won't have to worry about the roots growing through the paper towels. Also. if your paper towel is smaller than the plastic bag, you can just slide it in and out of the plastic bag. The seeds are very easy to get to. I think your way is okay but not a game changer. Just my thoughts.

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