They are Caught STEALING my Back Yard Garden Cover Crop
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Ludy Bugs eating weed seeds at 2:08:35 Link : .
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"Release the hounds!"
Another wise video, another lesson learned! Happy new year keep up the proper videos teaching people out there the real way we were intended to farm!
Be well
Glad we have snow cover to protect our cover crops.
100% Natural grazing for sure
Is this about seeds or already growing up cover crops?
Happy New Year to you and your family.
I hope you have a great New Year and happy gardening! Thanks for all your great videos!
The final principle of soil building… Animal Integration! Mob grazing! Happy New Year Mark! Hope you're well
Happy New Year
Happy New Year Mark! Wishing for a normal spring 2020!
It’s a trade. Goose poop for cover crop. I get deer and feral pigs in my cover crop. Deer are not a problem but pigs destroy everything. We cull the pigs when we can but it’s an ongoing battle. Good video!
Fertilizer and geese meat without the hassle of raising these noisy, angry and messy birds. Assuming this is a cover you want to overwinter, then monitor to ensure they don't set back the growth too much next spring, and release the hounds before they take too much.
Thank you for sharing and Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you and your family. God Bless and I hate cover crop thieves.
Happy New Year to Mark and your family and to all the gardeners from around the world, have a productive 2020.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Be Safe
Happy New Year! Great video. Our dinner guests are free range cows!
Great videos all year Mark. Thank you very much. May the God Whose creation you have come to love and understand make you fruitful and bring you and your family much joy this year! Blessings from Nova Scotia
I have yet to get or need a dog; the focus remains what breed will best serve our five acres along Little Silver Creek. I most appreciate their innate desire to take ownership of their homes for jobs just like this one. Perhaps you could let us know what was behind your selection or link to that information. Thank you in advance. Happy New Year.
I remember when we didn't have any geese
Your lucky you don’t have a pond. They will stick around for a month for me, but it’s all good when the snow geese pop in for an hour…..and every spring we have a few swans join the party, but then hit the road when the Canadians show up again
Happy New Year Mark! Thanks for sharing!
Goose livers.
I chase the deer, lots of them.
Hi Mark. With planting season a few months away, I'd like to learn more about the ideal amount of time between terminating a cover crop, and planting seeds or transplants. Is there an ideal window of time where the soil biology remains healthy? Is there such a thing as planting too soon after terminating covers? How about too much time where the soil will start to degrade? Maybe you could do a video on this topic and explain what happens to the soil during the time of post covers and pre transplants? Thanks so much for your videos. I've learned so much.
How is your son doing in the Marines? Hope he is ok.
Definitely caught
howdy New Jersey.
Looks like crop damage, time to harvest a goose? But the are paying for it with some token fertilizer.
“Ha ha, you can’t catch me” 4:38
I'm in Alberta, Canada and can confirm that the geese have been leaving and are on their way to you again!!! And at least they are pooping and giving some geese manure back to you. I wonder how beneficial that might be.