June 28, 2024

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Don’t Make This Mistake! How to Clean & Sterilize Re-used Pots and Containers

  1. 1/2 cup of bleach to 5 gallons of water truly doesn't bother my hands but you do you! Gloves are recommended if you are worried about it drying your skin. If you disagree with using bleach, disagree but please do it without shouting it from a mountain top.

  2. 34% food grade H2O2 is great. You can buy it at most hardware stores. Yes it can burn your hand and yes you have to dilute it down. But it’s 60$ for a gallon. You can use 1part H2O2 to 11 parts water. Or stronger dilutions if need be. It works wonders and is what I even use to sterilize my roots in my hydroponic system.

  3. At the end of the season last year I bought some root maker trays from a marketplace on social media. Busted them out to start my tomatoes about a month ago and just lost all 57 starts to verticuillim wilt. Thank you for this video, it helps me not feel so hopeless after the loss of my Experimental Farm Network starts.

  4. I live in Southern England and have had wilt problems with bean crops in containers for last 3 years. Tomatoes are OK. Everyone recommends 9 parts water to one part bleach, which is much stronger than recommended strength for general disinfecting. What strength is domestic bleach in US? The leading brands in UK have 4.5% sodium hypochlorite by weight, so diluting with 9 parts water makes a strength of 4.5 parts per 1000 or 0.45%.

  5. In terms of your comment "you'll spend more on white vinegar than you'll probably save on your equipment", I think that probably depends on how much equipment you have. I can get a gallon of white vinegar for a dollar and have a couple dozen trays and pots rather than a few hundred. So white vinegar looks like a reasonable solution to me.

  6. Hi, I have a question I have a couple of Styrofoam boxes that I converted into planters. However one has just been completely emptied and I wish to re-use it in about 6 weeks, so I was wondering if you have any tips for cleaning and sterilising a Styrofoam planter box. As I don’t think your bleach solution would do well on such a container. 

    I was thinking of using a mild vinegar solution to wipe out the box was wondering if you can give some recommended tips or post a video about such a planter in the future

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