Many of you have expressed your concern for us and our property due to the devastating fires raging across Australia at the moment. In this video, I give an update on our situation here in South East Queensland.
If you would like to donate here are my recommended organisations:
RED CROSS (this is a Govt “recommended” organisation to donate to, however, I do note the recent controversy of limited funds actually getting to the victims regarding this charity so please do your own research)
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
G'day Everyone, thanks for your support and concern. Just to reiterate, we are lucky and are not directly under fire threat so let's all spare a thought for those who currently are battling these horrible fires saving property and lives. All the best, Mark
Hi mark to answer your question concerning the fire trail and why the authorities made the flatten area is for the following reasons, 1) in case of fire a tanker can park to the side allowing the road to be clear for passing vehicles. 2) when fighting a fire the tankers can turn around and face out wards so that they can get out, 3) when fighting a fire the tankers are placed so that they can run relay of hose down and along the fire front to each tanker from a major source usually a bulk water tanker 4) drainage when rains come so that the track doesn't get to boggy.5) the authorities can place a water tanker for property protection (your place) and have the vehicle off the main track to allow other water tankers to pass safely. I hope that this anwers your questions in this video. ( I am a fire fighter in nsw with over 30 years experience)
Spot on brother; glad you made it through that…peace 'n health
Insurance companies are, largely, just legalized protection rackets. They look to profit off of people's legitimate worries of getting sick or facing a natural disaster or losing a loved one. "Lovely farm you've got there. It'd be a shame if something… happened to it."
They are the greedy answer to a good safety net and while I don't bear any grudges against the poor folks in the call centers, the companies themselves are absolute parasites, imo. Glad to hear you were doing okay during the fire season, though.
here in US-NC in the sandy coastal areas there are ditches like that too keep water from standing on fields. So it either there to protect the road … or grow mosquitos
Insurance is a racket. Muslims hate/ban it. Capitalists have a choice, if you can't beat them; join them. Own shares, get some of that premium back as dividend.
Absolutely agree about insurance corporations. Mark for PM.
just awful….from Canada…we love you brother !!
Oh my …..what a tragic way to begin 2020 …Very thankful you and your family escaped such a horrendous fire . .
Hi Mark, your fires you all have are heart breaking not just for the people but for the animals birds and other critters. It does hurt, we get it with the hurricanes, floods, and fires. My heart goes out to you. Jessie Arkansas. USA
What the hell was that at the end? Kookaburras?
I'm watching this a year plus on. I hope you stayed unaffected by the fire. I really hope your insurance didn't go up again.
seems like there making a road for a nice subdivision to be built on.
Insurance is voluntary communism! No doubt about it.
Ditches catch and store water. They allow water to slowly percolate back into the ground and filter too the water table instead of washing away.
You are a beautiful soul! Cheers from northern Canada, where were so jealous of your weather!
The ditch is to remove the top layer of roots and to bury the lower layers. Wildfires can spread underground by smoldering through dry roots.
yes most people, no matter what titles, premises and professions they go by, are just blood sucking vampires
There are a lot of disgusting people all over the world.
I've always said insurance is mostly a scam.
The Kinglake fires were rather close to the outskirts of outer Melbourne. Fire is a real threat and back burning can be very effective at mitigating a monster fire.
The Government is the same everywhere my friend their scum! Glad you all were! safe!
Same happened in NZ after the Christchurch earthquake …everyone in NZ's insurance went up …because it cost them so much to pay out all the earthquake damaged homes.
Insurance sometimes looks like legalized fraud
I appreciate your words
Do homeowners insurance policies in Australia cover floods? In the US you have to buy a separate flood policy because floods are not covered under a standard homeowners policy. Interesting to hear about the differences. Completely agree about insurance companies not looking at individual risks and instead just looking at wide areas.