March 14, 2025

VIDEO: Top 10 Money Saving Crops

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When money’s tight, growing your own nutritious fruits and vegetables is an empowering way to stretch precious budgets that little bit further. But which crops will save you the most money?

From rapid-growing vegetables to plants that produce almost more than you can eat, there are fruits and vegetables that can help trim the cost of eating.

In this short video we’ll share some of the most valuable fruits and vegetables you can grow this year.

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Top 10 Money Saving Crops

  1. Sweet potatoes are super easy to grow, extremely nutritious, and keep pretty well. They can be grown all over the US, and for some reason only seem to be in the stores around the holidays, but keep for months in the basement.

  2. Not only does this save you money, it allows you to determine what you are eating. If you don't want pesticides and chemicals you don't have to use them. Something that wasn't mentioned was that when you have extra produce and no time to can, freeze or dehydrate you can give it to friends and family or list it for sale. I make a few extra dollars selling plants in the spring and then extra produce all summer long.

  3. Most of these are in mind for our gardening ambitions – we're planning a bunch starting from only previous failures here and very limited successes before we moved. Any recommendations for things to grow in only partially sunny areas? We have a lot of tree cover over our yards. It's zone 5 (central NYS) with clay-heavy soil. (We also have composting plans/ambitions, but can't count on much result this year yet.)
    Some mushroom cultivation may occupy some of the shadiest areas, but we've got plenty space with more sun than it should need but less sun than the sun-thirstiest plants do.

  4. Herbs
    Definitely various herbs
    You use very little at at a time, at the store you need to buy more than you need.
    Better to grow yourself.

  5. You're such an encouraging gardener! I hope the Queen recognizes your value, because we should ALL be learning to grow our own food. The larger industry farmers cannot rely on predictable weather anymore, as we're experiencing a VERY wavy jet stream with both severe heat and severe cold. By growing our own veggies and using cold frames, hoop houses, or greenhouses, we can avoid the crop destruction that the larger farmers face and assure more food on our tables.

  6. Thank you for this list! I grew up eating fresh veggies from the garden and I think that's part of why I love them. I think more people would enjoy veggies if they were to have the superior taste of home grown 🙂

  7. I never thought of harvesting just single stalks of celery–what a terrific tip. Thank you!

    And-I have to add–I just love watching these videos. Though I have ALWAYS been hooked on gardening, I'm hoping your wonderful enthusiasm gets more people interested in gardening.

  8. What's with this awful trend of "Top X thing to blah". You're giving basic yet useful information. Do the same informational shite without the begging titles hoping to show up on recommended yah dumb twat.

  9. I love your videos! YOU are the ‘Go-To’ Guy for information on all things growing. Your wonderful accent and voice are encouraging and assuring to growers of all skill levels. Please, keep up the excellent work. There is not a minute wasted, in your informative videos, that’s spent on useless chitchat with endless boring nonsense. You really pack the information into your few minutes so we have to listen closely, take notes and dream of having the beautiful gardens and potted plants you show us. We love you.!

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