March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Biggest Mistakes Made When Starting Seeds Indoors

Starting seeds indoors can be rewarding but also very frustrating and discouraging if you have failure. In this episode I will go through some of the most popular mistakes gardeners make when starting seeds indoors and if a part 2 is needed then we let me know!

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Biggest Mistakes Made When Starting Seeds Indoors

  1. starting seeds outdoors…its last week in April San Diego..50s nights 60s to 70s days…. The advice I got from the garden center was to open the top days, water once a day…then they agreed with me to close the cover nights and cover with a folded over blanket…
    the cover fogs over during the day if I don't take it off!!

  2. Uhm.. UV light is not required. Chlorophyll absorbes 460nm (chlorophyll B) and 670nm (chlorophyll A) lightwaves, which are red and blue. A has another absorption spike at 425 nm, which is close to UV, but absorption drops really fast below that wavelength..

  3. I know it is late to post here but I need to note one correction to a statement made in this video. During the discussion of proper lighting for indoor growth he says that UV light is required for photosynthesis. This is not true. UV light when at a high enough intensity, similar to the sun, triggers a response in plants to synthesis compounds that help to deal with the damaging effects that UV has on DNA and other proteins in the plant cell. These compounds also help the plant to mitigate and expel excess photons (energy) that would otherwise create free redials in the photosynthetic pathway and destroy the plant. You can grow perfectly healthy plants using nothing but white LED lighting. To his credit the UV in a grow light does allow you to skip the "hardening off" phase of transitioning plants from indoor to outdoor.

  4. Thank YOU! The container size info is golden. The timing info is golden too. Have an opportunity to start a mini farm (keeping to 1 acre) in your neck of the woods and don't have time to experiment. I rarely start stuff inside and usually direct sow and let it grow! That's for pleasure. For market, we'll start indoors. This was a great vid for me.

  5. You may want to watch Bugbee, anything over 700nm WILL encourage growth or far left red. Blue also encourages growth. Blue and far red will do the job. Bugbee is from University of Utah ( probably one of the leading growers in USA).

  6. I tried to germinate some oat seeds, and they looked like they popped out of their husks? but that was it, they pretty much stayed exactly the same. I cant even believe a plant can even come out of such dry things, it doesnt even seem possible!!

  7. In my experience the purple and red LED grow panels are absolute garbage. GE and several other of the old companies make LED grow light bulbs that give off white light, and more importantly give you a chart showing exactly the spectra the light is giving off. I trust that more than who knows what the LEDs are doing.

  8. I'm glad I saw this the person gave me a little soil and said to use egg cartons. So I just cut out some little Styrofoam cups
    My window seal is facing west. So Im trying lettuce and tomatoes and ordering some small indoor lights.

  9. I feel like this is unnecessarily negative about starting indoors. I've never had a problem using cheap grow lights off Amazon. Leggy seedlings happen when the light is too far away, 6 inches from top leaves and your golden

  10. Starting seeds outside is less effective if you have a lot of weather fluctuations, my seedlings don't grow if I try to start them outside, I start on a shelf in my pantry and this allows a steady temperature for plants to get established, once they are 3 to 5 weeks, depending on the plant I give them one week outside then transplant, that's worked best for me, don't listen to anyone saying this is the one best way to grow. Too many variables on weather & temp for that to be true.

  11. Are biodegradable egg containers good to grow in if I plan to grow seeds in them for a month? And since they're biodegradable I was thinking of just putting the whole individual section straight into the ground. Bad idea? Also what about yogurt cups instead of that 3 inch container of I still some holes in them? Trying to use my resources available.

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