September 28, 2024

VIDEO: How Much WATER Do You NEED to Grow Vegetables and Fruit?

In this video, I explain how much water a vegetable and fruit garden needs by using our property as an example.

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How Much WATER Do You NEED to Grow Vegetables and Fruit?

  1. A person needs that much water a day? What for? !! I am not doubting you !!! but… I just dont understand… Drinking, shower, toilette, watering plants… but is it really that much? I would like to have that explained to me : /

  2. You're lucky because you have town water? That confuses me.. Wouldn't you be lucky to have a deep well? I have a shallow well for when power goes out and we dug a deep well down the center as well.. I don't think I will ever have a need for water.. is well digging not a thing down under?

  3. Crazy how much water people use… (lived off grid for several years (unfortunately in the suburbs now) had the house hold of four down to about 150 gallons a month including laundry and showers and all in a very comfortable life style. … the trick is foot pumps on the sinks and Navy showers… so much water waste with free flowing faucets and long showers.

  4. Can your sister and brother in law use a gray system like yours?

    I live in a desert. My husband and I amend the garden beds every year with our spent plant matter, peat moss, manure, pine shavings and paper shreds-plus any other minerals or fertilizers we need, then we mulch with straw or shavings. During the first part of the summer we may get away with watering once a day, later in the summer it can sometimes go up to twice a day. It depends on the type of crops we are growing.

  5. I am realising as I age, what a precious resource water is …some cities eg in Sth Africa, struggle to have enough water for drinking and living, let alone growing veges and watering lawns. I now think it is crazy that if you live in a dry desert-like place, as in parts of Aussie and USA, that you should be using water like this and trucking it in, Move to where there is rainfall. That water has to come from somewhere. Okay maybe collecting rainfall from gutters, but not from rivers and wells, they will run dry. In NZ we have massive Dairying in a hot dry flat rubbish part of the south island and they have massive irrigation systems to make grass out if dry rubbish dry dirt land , it's absolutely ridiculous, and only done so they can have huge dairy farms and make lots of money. They are running the rivers dry buy sucking water out of the rivers to irrigate :(:( I myself water my very tiny garden, but not my lawn, and I myself have to start thinking how I can save this precious resource that we will run out of if we are not careful. The water they use in the USA , in desert areas, to have English type lawns and gardens is just crazy, Aussie may be the same. I think some US states are banning lawn sprinklers now. End of moan 🙂

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