In this video, I go on a duck hunting adventure up the Sunshine Coast to get a pair of Silver Appleyard ducks – could these be the best duck breed I have ever kept?
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
I had two pet ducks one time at home. I think they were indian runners. One time my husband was working on his truck and he had his radio on. Golly those ducks were flapping their feet and hitting ground up and down just dancing dancing up and down flapping their feet. That was like 30 years ago no cell phone back then. I wish I had video them dancing beside the truck. So funny.
Thank you so much for your information on your ducks! We have a small farm and want to get some ducks too.
The internal withdrawal effectively agree because sauce wessely yawn save a cooing refund. debonair, zesty pull
I had Rowen ducks. They look like a Mallard but bigger. They are sold as meat ducks but they lay a big eggs too. I never had a problem with them flying, they were just to heavy to get off the ground.
Well this is just great. I am back to watching your channel and in one video I now want Silver Appleyard ducks. They are so pretty. First I wanted Muscovy. Now I want both. Also, thanks to you I have a desire to see Australia. Before I didn't have interest. Only wanted to get to New Zealand…but like now I want to go see wild snakes and foxes and maybe a few crocs too…but mostly I just want to come view your farm…don't worry. I won't show up unannounced. I will wait for an invitation. Hahaha…but hoping still.
Do you actually eat your chickens and ducks, or just the eggs?
All you need is to put an Fing and have a Tim Hortons coffee when you said "these ducks better be worth it" and I would think you were Canadian. Lol
Hmmm you might want to try Muscovy Ducks (technically a goose). Its a South American Roosting (roasting?) duck. Very hardy, very prolific. Look like dinos, run off the canadians (geese). Taste like steak
Now I want that breed of duck….they are beautiful! I have two pekins and 3 pekin mix;
Got three lacking Campbell’s a few weeks ago. Hoping to use them in the garden
Good a Man who know ducks love rain! Yepper, ducks love rain, female ducks like rainy conditions, nudge, nudge do you know what I mean. Anyways let them settle in!
Real strainers those ducks!
Got the old figure 11 target their mate.
bro this video sucked also. im sorry.
We have four 3 month old and five 1 month old Silver Appleyards, love the breed. We just picked up the younger ones today.
Whatever happened to these two? Any updates?
You can get Appleyard ducks for $20 each in NZ mate.
I didn't think you could feed birds bread?!
190 dollars!?!? Even without a conversions to US dollars that’s a lot
You need muscovey!
Nice ducks. The best I have owned are white Campbell ducks. They looked beautiful, were not to fat and heavy like the Pekin ducks, had lots of eggs and were super tame.
Love your videos and I have learned so much from you, I have just bought some ducks but I have heard that bread is very bad for ducks as it disrupts their digestive system with useless bulk without any nutritional benefits. Do you know if this is true?
You have inspired me to get ducks. Khaki campbells and I also am incubating some Silver Appleyard ducks.
Hey mate, hi from cuz over the Tasman. Love you’re work.
Wait, you said you hate ducks.?