March 26, 2025

VIDEO: How to Create a Planting Plan for Year-Round Food Abundance | Complete Guide – Use code YOUTUBE20 to get 20% off the Productive Planting Plan Online Course. Get your notepads out because in this video I will show you how to create a vegetable garden planting plan to ensure food abundance throughout the year. Very often gardeners create a yearly plan but this makes it very hard to capture change through the months and plan for succession sowing. Here is the contents list I mentioned so you can re-navigate the video easily after watching:
-Benefits and context of a monthly plan 0:33
-What about crop rotation? 4:52
-Creating the outline 5:45
-Adding helpful keys 6:46
-List your staple crops 7:59
-Optional research 9:21
-Starting with the first month 10:12
-Continuing with the months 12:45
-When it’s time for succession planting 15:06
-Knowing where to stop and tips 18:15
-Using a calendar 19:10

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I am so excited to share this video with you because it is something that I know will help so many of you unlock the ability to almost instantly improve your succession planting and food abundance from your garden. And I am going to start it off by giving you the golden bit of information which is this:
Don’t create an annual planting plan. Instead, create a simplified month-to-month plan and there are so many benefits to this and I have been using this method for a couple of years now and I tell you, the thought of moving back to an annual plan after seeing how amazing this type of plan is, fills me with horror.

I know monthly may sound like a lot of work but trust me when I say it is so much easier than you think. In this video you will also learn how to transfer the tasks and steps in your planting plan onto a calendar, so you have the most efficient, and perhaps the easiest way of staying organised and in control this year.

The issue with an annual plan is that is it very hard to see the change of the garden throughout the year, and as a result it makes it very difficult to plan succession growing which is planting one crop as soon as another crop is harvested so you get two different crops from the same area, in the same year, thus maximising the food potential from a set space.

A monthly plan allows you to foresee future changes in your garden, such as when space becomes available. By being able to plan in a way that captures the change so easily, means that the potential from your garden increases right away, and at the end of the day, it makes life so much easier for you because all you need are quick glances to see what’s happening and to make sure you are on track.

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HuwsNursery is a channel which dedicates itself to teaching you how to grow an abundance of food at your home. Videos are uploaded every week and cover a vast range of subjects including; soil health, sowing, transplanting, weeding, organic tips, permaculture, pest control, harvesting and low maintenance growing to name a few.

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With thanks to the support of my top tier patreons; William Shidal, Ben Porcher, Namaste Foundation, Valeria Letelier and Mike Moore

Suitable vegetable garden planning for beginners too. How to start a vegetable garden for beginners.

#gardenplanning #gardeningtips #permaculture

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Create a Planting Plan for Year-Round Food Abundance | Complete Guide

  1. Due to the huge popularity of this method I have turned it into a 10 lesson online course which goes into a lot more detail on how to create a monthly planting plan, and features extras such as my master sowing list which I use to guide me when filling a planting plan. Find out more about the course here: & use coupon code YOUTUBE20 to get 20% off!

  2. Could you mention intercroping? For example, while the kale is starting you could get quick growing crops between the kale like a row of radishes and a row of spring onions

  3. I started my gardening experience last year in pots and with mostly herbs and a few simple vegetables. This year I'll be moving to a few raised beds (I've already watched your videos on this) and will be adding a few more vegetables to my repertoire. I picked up the idea of creating a "garden journal" from another channel and have been detailing the plants I want to grow and how I can best organize them. Now I will also be looking at having a "monthly gardening plan" as well. A question comes to mind of what to do for plants if there is a lot of smoke in the air. In Washington state, USA, we experience a "fire-season" almost every year and last year I found my plants wilting very quickly and somewhat seemed to stunt in growth. Any suggestions?
    Thank you so much for sharing your tips, tricks, and pointers. I'll be referencing back along the journey. Happy growing!

  4. Would it work to sow lettuce then interplant with bush beens. Then in August clear the bed and plant either carrots or peas?
    Im in zone 6b. I've never tried to grow more than one crop in the same spot in one season. It hurts my head a bit to figure it out. Would I direct sow all these things, or start them in module trays?

  5. How do you know when to start your seeds and how Long they take before you can Transplant them. Than when you can harvest them to be able to have the next crop ready to transplant or direkt sowing?

  6. I am a brand new beginner with gardening. In fact, I have not started gardening yet, I am researching and watching people like you to learn and become inspired. How do I actually begin from nothing? Any ideas?

  7. It is a brilliant video, thank you so much but how come at the start, the leeks and kale barely take up a quarter of the salad bed but when the potatoes go out they take up a full bed each?

  8. Absolutely brilliant, but I am technically challenged when it comes to this kind of stuff! Can you please explain what you used to make the diagram and how to have a new one each month? Anyone?

  9. This is super helpful! I'm moving to a new place and we'll finally have a small tiny yard for gardening. I was feeling so overwhelmed with how to plan our garden and this helped so much! Thank you!

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