March 19, 2025

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: What Am I Growing This Year

  1. Hi Adam, good to see you back on screen, a nice selection there, hope they do well. (pan left to your kitchen floor strewn with casually tossed seed packets..) I'm going to have another go at a giant pumpkin this year too. Last years effort was less than mind blowing for me.
    Have a great week.

  2. Thanx for posting.  Been wondering what you've been up to.  Those cucc's?  I grow them in pots & trellis them also.  Keeps the critters away from the seedlings & just about everything away from the fruits.  Leeks & French onions are coming on nicely.  So are the peppers.  Just starting the tomatoes.  We're re-working the back yard along with all the beds.  Very mild here this winter so I'm going to be able to hit out back earlier than usual.  You keep posting…I'll keep watching.  BTW…you're the only one from that side that I watch anymore.

  3. Good to see you Adam. Here in Central Florida we have experienced abnormally high rainfall and I lost my spring garden due to standing water. I changed my gardening strategy and started using my raised row attachment on my tractor. It was a great success. I have turnips, onions, potatoes and collards growing like crazy. Good luck to you on your garden…….keep us posted.

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