March 25, 2025

VIDEO: How to Sow Carrots Seeds (The simple trick to good germination every time!) | Gardening Tips

Carrots are one of the more difficult things to grow in the home garden because germination can be tricky. Today I’m sharing a simple trick that helps with the germination of carrots every time!

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Sow Carrots Seeds (The simple trick to good germination every time!) | Gardening Tips

  1. Do you have carrot fly? I've sown my carrots and they've germinated beautifully. I just read something about the carrot fly and am wondering if I should cover the carrots with a mesh netting of some kind. Thanks for any insights!

  2. I went away for the weekend and when I came back my seeds were germinated under the cover. Unfortunately they probably came up the day I left, as they were very leggy when I uncovered them (about an inch tall). Will they survive?

  3. Great video! Anxious to try your method. One thing about the row cover you didn't mention…I have found when I get carrots to germinate I need to cover them with a simple low row cover. It allows in sun and moisture/rain, but keeps carrot fly from laying eggs near/on the carrot thus preventing carrot maggot infestations of your row of carrots. 🙂

  4. I really appreciate your kind and careful teachings. I have managed to get my carrots to germinate. However, I spilled a crap load of them and so, I had them crowded in places. I waited for them to get strong and then, I thinned them out and like an amateur I pulled them up and separated them and put them back in the ground. I am embarrassed about this. However, after about 4 days later they appear to be coming back some are still droopy though. I hope I didn't kill them all off.

  5. I’ve never planted carrots but this looks like something I can do because it looks a little easier. Can carrots be planted in the fall? I live in north central Louisiana, and the temps may be too hot soon for planting now.

  6. Very helpful information! I'm about to try for the 1st time growing carrots in July, hope this works, we still get rain a few days out of the week and temps have been between 80 and 90 degrees and 60 to 70 at night. Hope I'm successful thank you again.

  7. This is the video and info I needed today. Carrots have always stumped me – how to sow efficiently and to avoid painstaking thinning. Thanks for sharing this, I will be trying this method later this summer when the weather cools.

  8. Could this be done with plastic? Since boards are pretty expensive now, I was thinking of creating a greenhouse over my carrot bed and raising plastic above it with bricks.

    And thank you so much for your careful walk throughs. Sometimes I need things spelled out like how you were doing, it was perfect: "I'm pressing the carrots into the soil and not covering them, if you look here you can still see them!"

  9. Earlier in the year I followed your guidelines to plant carrots here in Yakima. It went so well and I got a wonderful crop of carrots. Next year I will plant even more now that I can do it. Thank you for your guideline. I was about to start a summer crop, but noted germination won't do well over 80, and that's definitely us. My husband said I should try a few anyway. Guess it won't hurt, but I won't get my hopes up. Thanks for your guidance.

  10. This was super cool. I like reading through the comments too. I'm gaining so much knowledge. I did not know winter gardens were possible in my zone. This proves me wrong.

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