March 20, 2025

VIDEO: How to Treat Leaf Curl in Peach and Nectarine Trees

In this video I’ll show you what I do every fall, winter, and sometimes spring to prevent leaf curl in my peach and nectarine trees using this natural fungicide. If your trees are already showing signs of leaf curl its too late to use this fungicide but there is still plenty you can do to keep your tree healthy.



Music: Casey Don’t You Fret by Dan Lebowitz

Leaf curl photo: Peaceful Valley

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Treat Leaf Curl in Peach and Nectarine Trees

  1. last year (19) about late july into aug my oldest peach 5yrs all leaves turned yellow then red and fell off 10×10 tree i waited till thanksgiving isprayed wih copper and daconil mix very diluted then pruned i disposed off the prune limbs —- this year(20) late july all my peach tres ha dark green leaves so the spray worked this is for the new folks do most if not all spraying in winter say thanksgving to last of jan because most problems will winter over on tree if you spray leaves when they fall off you treatment is gone also dont leave any trash from tree laying all winter is ok to spray the soil around tree

  2. I think you will find if you dont use any copper spray at all you will have the exact same results! Some leaf curl but not alot and when its bad its a bad season. Like the flu vaccine useless. Plasibo will get the same results..

  3. Kyle I am in the Niagara Region and I have 2 peach trees that I will treat this fall for leaf curl. My question is… when should I prune these trees ? Before I spray , after or next year ? Thanks so much.

  4. I have Grapefruit and orange trees, orange tree seems badly miner infected, every leaves has a white line and the leaves from both trees seems very dried and curls, I water them all the time but I don’t understand why they are looking very sick, do you think they will die? Arizona had a high heat temperature for so many months and some of the leaves got burnt but I don’t know whether those dried curly leaves were due to that high heat or not. Hope you can give me some advice how to save them. Thank you!

  5. Thanks for the show and tell… I got plenty of curled leaves in the last Spring. I basically just "painted" my two trees thoroughly with a diluted solution of fluid copper bought from Home Depot. My trees are still young (about 8-9 feet) so I can do it this way. I plan to do it again early spring…

  6. I just noticed my peach and citrus have this a couple months and its minimal but now is the right time to spray them if im going to apparently which is perfect . Question : Does neem oil work for this also ?

  7. Hey can I spray my peach trees right now? They bloomed and I thinned all the fruit since I wanted the tree to just grow this year. The tree has leaves and it’s healthy. So can I use copper to spray right now?

  8. went to mom's and saw her peach tree had leaf curl on the entire tree; told her your tips to try to keep it health and I'll spray it come winter, thanks!

  9. Yo just an FYI the N95 is doing very little compared to a different mask and it's how you're wearing it. It needs a complete seal, and with your glasses under the lip you've broken it.

    You may find that the half-face respirators at home depot with the bayonet cartridges are a little easier to wear, plus they can be extended to other chemicals if you buy the right cartridge.

  10. I have a young nectarine tree (about 4-5 feet tall) that was already budding when I planted it in mid-April, and shortly afterwards it started developing leaf curl. It's getting fairly bad now… it still has leaves, but I'd say 70-80% of them are diseased and most at the top of the plant are dead. Is there anything I could/should do to help it survive until the fall when I can spray it?

  11. So here is the question, can you spray in winter if the nectarine doesn't lose its leaves? We get cold enough here 850+ chill hours but it just refuses to drop leaves, I find most of my deciduous fruit trees hold on as long as they can. It buds and flowers just fine, this year we had leaf curl on the new leaves, luckily it still had last years normal leaves so it's find, but how should I treat it?

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