March 18, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Tips to Growing Lavender Perfectly No Matter Where You Live

Learning how to grow lavender is easy – just respect where the plant came from and match it to those conditions! These 5 growing lavender tips should help you out, even if you’re in a cold climate. And make sure to stay for the pruning lavender tips at the end.


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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Tips to Growing Lavender Perfectly No Matter Where You Live

  1. So I’m willing to try Lavender now in Florida 9b, since my rosemary is now a 4x4x4 bush! It’s right next to my lemon tree and is mostly south and east facing. Sandy loose “soil” with no care for a year, except for random pruning has helped it get huge. I think I’d go with a grow bag or large container, in the event I do need to move it- I never realized how similar to Rosemary it is! (My area has had a much drier summer this year than average. Rosemary hasn’t noticed.)
    Is there a cultivar you suggest?

  2. I was interested in it for keeping pests away but then I was wondering if it would also keep the beneficial insects away? You mentioned it was good for attracting pollinators… I wonder why it would repel bad bugs and a checked good bugs and if that is even true

  3. mine has gone black in the middle. I planted it in an old bbq with old ash. maybe that's the problem. also me watering all the time. duh. thank you for the video.

  4. You forgot a tip! Select your lavender variety according to your climate! If you live somewhere colder, a hardier type of lavender (like English lavender — Lavendula agustofolia) would probably fare better than the heat-loving Spanish lavender (Lavendula stoechas) that Kevin showcases in the video!

  5. Love your video. Please help. I recently moved to Florida, it rains almost every day. It may be a challenge to have dry soil. Tropical storms and sandy soil. I want Lavender to repel mosquitos. Of course I love lavender for all the other reasons, I use lavender oil on my body and in the house for aroma therapy. I want to learn how to grow its here successfully.

  6. How does lavender maintain itself ‘naturally’-as in, when it’s in the wild? Obviously it doesn’t prune or harvest itself so does it just keep growing and growing until it dies?

  7. I recently got a lavender plant and at first it was doing really well, but now it looks very barren and many of the stems keep dying. I haven’t had the plant for a year yet and when I got it it was still pretty young. Do you have any tips for helping the plant grow better? (Yes I keep it in a sunny spot)

  8. I'm in San Jose. So it's not really a cold place. But my lavender still looks very woody and dry, and not healthy. And the bush is hardly growing. I have it planted in my yard. One in my front yard, one in the back. The back is south facing. But the lavender there is doing worse than the one in the front yard. I'll be grateful for any tips. I wish I had big, healthy bushes of Lavender and Rosemary. Thanks!

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