In this video I will demonstrate how to accurately test your garden soil three different ways and compare the results of home test kits to a professional laboratory soil analysis.
My Favorite Home Soil Test Kit
LaMotte Soil Test Kit:
The Organic Vegetable Fertilizer I Use:
Other Garden Products I Use:
Music: IMovie
shouldn't you test the water ph first or use distilled water for your test ?
Show Off with those huge delicious looking oranges
Such good energy, relaxing, informative and fun to watch. Thank you for this
If your pressed for time, fast forward to 16:13.
so, why not say how much is "expensive" for the pro test? one persons "expensive" is another persons "not too bad".
one can get a lemont test kit off ebay for $40 vs $110 off amazon. Doesn't include the fancy blue bag though. LaMotte Soil N-P-K Test Kit 3-5880 637395088919 | eBay
Hey guys just so you know the leafLuster rapitest is actually a very good test for the money it costs. If you try HomeDepot they actually have the leafLuster rapitest bulk package that actually carry’s 40 tests in one package which is 10 x tests per nutrient :10PH Alk/Ac -10Nitrogen -10K potassium/potash -10Phosphorus
It has 10 each of the colored tablets a dropper and 4 separate testing containers that look a lot like tic-tac- containers. There is a guide table for all levels of nutrients for certain vegetables/flowers etc. The cardboard packaging doubles as a pin up information guide for everything soil nutrient/ tips for growth etc. Hope this helps….It costs 14.99 at Home Depot. I’m sure you can find it at Lowe’s, Ace Hardware, and maybe even at your local nurseries although this guy did say he purchased the one in the video at a nursery, so they might carry the bulk package with multiple tests.
So how did you amend your soil
Okay, very good job. When the test kit instructions say add water, is that city water, spring water, or distilled water? I suppose city water has chemicals in it which might affect the results, but I'm no expert.
Where is the follow up to this video?
How to buy this test ?
Oh my gosh! No fair! You grabbed that beautiful orange off that tree and I could almost taste it. You are so blessed to have a green thumb. I just discovered your videos a couple days ago and I so enjoy them because you have a way of making your advice understandable for everyone, I've already learned so much. Thank you from South Carolina.
You are absolutely entertaining! Great editing as well!!
What about testing for chemicals and contaminants?
very good thank you
Finally someone who can speak clearly with no heavy accents and no audio trouble with great presentation skills keeping right on track giving a great amount of information without rambling on and on. I applaud you Sir and thank you
Ut will do it for free if you live in Tennessee
I was in the pool business for decades. Lamotte test kits are the best there are.
We call that a trowel……not a shovel.
Hi Kyle, where did you Mail your soil for testing please. Love your garden and videos. Thank you for sharing ♥️
So the scientists in the lab are just a dude with a La Matte kit.
I mean how could you tell?
Who did your professional test kit?
Thank you. I also like how you filmed the video.
Wow, the info and presentation are awesome. I just recently found you, and now I can spend the winter learning new ideas etc for gardening next year.
Thank you!
I have been toying with the idea of soil testing for a while, but wasn’t sure best way to get it done correctly and efficiently. I have added the LaMotte kit to my cart
Lucky B, you got free oranges at your fingertips.
Very helpful, thank you
Great information, awesome presentation. Thank you!